Western Online: Using the Grade Book


Welcome to the Western Online: Using the Grade Book online tutorial brought to you by the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research. This tutorial contains information on how to set up your grade book including creating categories, grade schemes, and much more.


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Tutorial at a Glance

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The Grades tool is used to create grade items and schemes for measuring users' performance, record grades, and share a grade book with students. You can set up grade schemes as well as create categories for different grade items.

Grades can be entered in a viriety ways including multiple items at once, by user, by item, or by category. Items are automatically added up by the system with no need to set up a calculated grade item. There is a Final Calculated Grade item already available by default.

In addition to the Final Calculated Grade item, there is also a Final Adjusted Grade item. This allows you to enter an adjusted grade to release to students.


To access the grade book click Grade Tools in the nav bar and choose Grades.

Grading Systems

D2L provides three grade systems for you to choose from. Your grade book will have options available to you when creating items and calculating grades. Depending on what options are available depends on what grade system you use. The systems are:

Weighted System

Calculate grade items as a percentage of a final grade worth 100%. Grade items that reside in a category count as a percentage of that category, not of the final grade.


Discussions 10% of total grade

Assignments - 20% of total grade

Midterm Exam 35% of total grade

Final Exam 35% of total grade

Total for course is 100%

Points System

In the points system the maximum points assigned to a grade item are equal to its contribution to the final grade. Final grades are calculated by adding all grade items together.


Total for course is 250 points

Formula System

Used for creating custom formulas. It is based on the points system, but allows you to set conditions around grade items to determine the final grade. The following is an example of the formula editor.


Grades Schemes

Grade schemes are a way of organizing users' performances on grade items into levels of achievement. Each achievement level has its own range of acceptable percentages and a symbol. A perfect example of this is a letter grade scheme. You can set up a scheme that will display a letter grade based on the percentage of the total points earned by a student. The system uses a percentages scheme by default.

In the following scheme a student who recieves an 88% will see a B+ for their grade.

Screen Shot 2012-05-31 at 9.06.49 AM.png

Creating a Grade Scheme

It is recommended that you create your grades scheme before you go through the setup wizard. The setup wizard will ask you which default scheme you would like to use when creating grade items. If you don't create it first, it will not be available for you to use. (Note: You do not need to create a custom scheme if you are fine with just using the percentages scheme. If you do not want to set up a custom scheme you can skip this page)

To create a grade scheme do the following:

At this point you need to figure out how many ranges you will need for your scheme. For a plus (+) minus (-) letter grade scheme going from A to F you will need a total of twelve (12) ranges in your scheme. When creating a new scheme you are given three (3) ranges by default. So you will need to add nine (9) more.


Grades Setup Wizard

The Grades Setup Wizard takes you through a list of setup options to helps you make decisions about how grades should be calculated and displayed in the grade book. In a blank course with no grade items or categories created you will be taken directly to the grades setup wizard by default when you first go into the grade book. (Note: The options you choose in the setup wizard are not final. They can be changed through the Settings link located on the upper right of the page.) To go through the wizard do the following:

The wizard contains seven steps:

After you click finish you will be presented with some options to start building your grade book including:

Grade Categories

Grade Categories can be used to organize and group related grade items into sections. For example, you can create categories for assignments, quizzes, discussions, etc. Grade categories are not required, but are especially handy when using a weighted system.

Creating a Grade Category

Please note that there may be some diffferent options when creating grade categories depending on what grade system you are using. For example, if you are using a weighted system there will be a place to enter a percentage, whereas with a points system there will not.

To create a grade category do the following:


Deleting a Grade Category

To delete a grade category do the following:

Grade Items

Grade items represent the individual assignments, quizzes, discussions, etc. Each grade item has its own entry in the grade book which you assign a grade to for each student. Grade items can be linked to other course objects, such as assignments, quizzes, discussions, etc., or they can exist independently.

For example, you may be teaching a fully online course. Students are to submit all assignments through the Assignments tool, all quizzes/exams through the Quizzes tool and so on. You would need to create those activities with their respective tools and then create a grade item for each. You would then link the grade item to the activity. This can all be done when creating your different activities (assignments, quizzes, etc.) and grades can be entered from within those tools (assignments, quizzes, discussions, etc.)

Another example would be a fully face-to-face class. All assignments, quizzes, etc. are delivered in class with no use of Western Online. However, you still want to provide grades through the system. In this case you would create grade items from within the grade book. These grade items are not linked to any activites. You are simply going to enter the grades manually from within the grade book.

Creating Grade Items

Please note that there may be some diffferent options when creating grade items depending on what grade system you are using. For example, if you are using a wieghted system there will be a place to enter a percentage, whereas with a points system there will not.

To create a grade item do the following:


Deleting a Grade Item

Grade items cannot be deleted if they are associated with activities in the system such as discussions, assignments, etc. You have to break the association before they can be deleted. In the Manage Grades area you can see if a grade item is associated with anything by looking in the Association column. If it is associated with a discussion it will say Discussion. If it is associated with a quiz it will say Quiz, and so on.

There will also be an exclamation icon you can click on to see the exact item it is associated with.


To break the association you will need to go to the tool and open the item. For example, if a grade item is associated to an assignment, you will need to go to that particular assignment in the Assignments tool and edit it (Discussion tool if it is a discussion, etc). Then you need to choose None for the Grade Item drop down menu and Save.

Once the association has been broken then the grade item can be deleted.

To delete a grade item do the following (Note: the item(s) cannot be linked to anything in D2L (assignment, quiz, discusstion, etc.):

Entering Grades

There are several ways to enter grades into the grade book including:



Grade Book Settings

The grade book has some settings that you may want to change depending on your personal preferences. Most of these settings are in the grades setup wizard. However, you may want to go back and change them and can do so at anytime.

To access the grade settings do the following:


Next you will see three tabs.


Releasing the Final Calculated Grade

As mentioned at the beginning of the tutorial, the sytem automatically calculates your grades by using the Final Calculated Grade item. However, this final grade is not released to the students by default. You have to tell the system to release it.

To release the Final Calculated Grade item do the following:


Self Check

Self Check Question 1

 Self Check Question 2

Self Check Question 3

Self Check Question 4

Self Check Question 5

Self Check Question 6


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