Business Services

Requests for Travel and Supervisor Approval

Request for travel forms will no longer be required for travel beginning on or after July 1, 2011.

Vice presidential approval is still required for all expenses over $500, including travel. Vice presidential approval can either be indicated by signature on the face of the travel voucher or by an email attached to the travel voucher as long as the email clearly states the account number and dollar amount of the travel. Also, as with all other expenses, vice presidents will be required to audit travel over $500 paid by Pcard by logging into PaymentNet and clicking the check box under VP Approval. This paragraph applies to expenses paid from all accounts except for grant accounts.

Also effective July 1, reimbursements to employees must contain a supervisor signature in addition to a fiscal agent signature (if the fiscal agent is not the employee's supervisor) prior to reimbursement. Please note that this applies to all reimbursements including travel and other expense reimbursements from all sources of funds including Foundation and Grant funds. DPAs or travel vouchers that do not contain the appropriate signatures will be returned to the requesting department.

If you have any questions about the above, please contact Business Services at 298-1811 or the Foundation Office at 298-1861.