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"Countries" (7 results)
CIA World FactbookAn online edition of the print version. Provides alphabetical listings of countries and information concerning: geography, people, government, economy, communications and defense sources.Countries
Country Studies / Area HandbooksSponsored by the Department of the Army, 71 countries are included providing a wide range of information including history, geography, economy, transportation, people and more.Countries
Demographic Yearbook (UN)The United Nations Demographic Yearbook collects, compiles and disseminates official statistics on a wide range of topics. Some are covered on an annual basis: population size and composition; births; deaths; and marriage and divorce. Special topics are covered less frequently, including economic activity, educational attainment, household characteristics, housing, ethnicity, and language, among others. Data have been collected from national statistical authorities since 1948. Countries
Europa: Gateway to the European UnionThe official website of the European Union, providing basic information on how the EU works, the latest EU news and events, and links to EU information on the websites of EU institutions and agencies.Countries
Flags of the WorldThe flag reference section of the CIA World Factbook.Countries
World Embassy PageProvides links to embassy websites of nations throughout the world. The page allows you to find embassies by either host or guest country.Countries
World Resources ReportsThe World Resources Institute's yearly collection of data and in-depth analysis on current environmental issues, focusing on: Climate, Energy & Transport, Governance & Access, Markets & Enterprise, and People & Ecosystems.Countries