WIU Author of An Item In A Periodical (2023)

(includes print/online journal, newspaper article, poem, short story, etc.)

Items are required entries.

(NOTE: All Author/Contributor fields are to have a period following use of an initial. Field order is: last name, first name, middle name. Names are to be separated by a semi-colon.)
Author's Information

Name(s) of WIU authors/contributors: (last name, first name and separate names by a semi-colon)

Primary contributor's email:

Primary WIU author's/contributor's



Second WIU author's/contributor's (if any)

Third WIU author's/contributor's (if any)

Fourth WIU author's/contributor's (if any)

Fifth WIU author's/contributor's (if any)

All authors/contributors in order as listed in citation: (last name, first name and separate names by a semi-colon)

Article Information

Article title:

Periodical title:

Publication year (currently accepting):