Broadcasting and Journalism

Ellwood "Chip" Egan

Ellwood Egan

Office: 314 Sallee
Office Hours: by appointment


MA is National Louis University
BA is Southern Illinois Carbondale

I grew up in the city of Chicago and attended St. Robert Bellarmine grammar school and St. Patrick High School. From there I went on to Southern Illinois University at Carbondale where I majored in Radio/Television Broadcast Communications with a minor in Journalism. I worked as the news and sports director for several cable television stations in Lake County, IL and was the main sports anchor and for “Lake County Live”, a half-hour local news program, and the station’s main play-by-play announcer for sporting events. I eventually moved on to radio in the same capacity as my television duties to WKRS-1220AM in Waukegan, IL. I received my Master’s Degree in education from National Louis University and taught for several years on both the elementary and high school levels before coming to Macomb to teach sports broadcasting. I am a proud parent to a son who serves in the U.S. Navy and a daughter who is attending the University of Louisville.

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