Administrative Procedures Handbook

Endpoint Protection Guidelines

The university supports an approved endpoint protection product for use on all university computers and servers. This product protects desktop and server computers from malware, viruses, and other malicious software.

  • The product shall be operated in real-time on all Windows desktop and server computers and configured for real-time protection.
  • The library definitions shall be checked at least once per day and updated as available.
  • Removing or permanently disabling the product violates university policy.
  • Clients shall receive anti-malware updates from University Technology.
  • Scans shall be done a minimum of once per week on all university-controlled workstations and servers.
  • As scanning may affect the speed and responsiveness of desktop computers, scans shall be scheduled for a time that is least disruptive to the end users. To facilitate this, employees shall leave computer workstations powered on (but logged off or locked) after work hours to allow for scanning during off-peak times.

Last reviewed: July 18, 2024

University Technology 
Stipes Hall 126
Phone: (309) 298-TECH