Centennial Honors College
Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day

Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day provides a public, university-wide forum for showcasing undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity. Students from all academic disciplines are encouraged to submit their faculty mentored research, projects, or creative activity. Submissions may be either completed or in-progress. Monetary awards are given to the top presentations in each category.
9:00-12:00 Podium Presentations, Brattain Lounge
11:00-1:30 Poster Presentations, Grand Ballroom
12:00 Remarks by Interim President Mindrup and Interim Provost Mossman; Certificate Presentations
2:00 Distinguished Alumni Keynote Speaker, David Zanolla, Senior Instructor, Dept. of Communication
Undergraduate Research: So What?, Brattain Lounge
2:30 Awards, Brattain Lounge-Results
Go to PARTICIPATION GUIDELINES & ABSTRACT SUBMISSION to review the Guidelines for Participation and to submit your abstract using the link at the bottom of the page.
By submitting abstracts, all participants acknowledge that they have read and accepted the Guidelines for Participation and that their research meets protocols for human, animal, and radiological research. All presenters also permit the release of photographs taken of them and their work on the day of presentation.
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