University Policies
Electronic Mail (Email) Policy
Approved By: President
Effective Date: June 26, 2023
Revision Date: June 25, 2024
The purpose of this policy is to define the appropriate use of Western Illinois University (WIU) electronic mail (email) by all users.
WIU Electronic Mail (Email) Policy applies to any individual who utilizes WIU-owned electronic mail (email). The WIU-owned email includes all email utilizing any domain owned/purchased by the university. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the proper use of university electronic mail (email).
- Bulk email: The act of sending one email to a large group of individuals at a time. Gmail considers more than 500 recipients from the same email to be a bulk email. Bulk email is also referred to as mass email.
- Domain: A domain is the name of a website and associated functions such as email accounts (i.e.
- Encryption: The process of converting information or data into a code that hides the information’s true meaning, especially to prevent unauthorized access.
- Generic account: An email account that is not directly tied to an individual and/or is used by multiple individuals.
- Sensitive data: Information intended for limited use within the university that, if disclosed, could be expected to have a serious adverse effect on the operations, assets, or reputation of the university, or the university's obligations concerning information privacy.
Email is a communication tool provided by the university that can improve operational and administrative efficiency. Users have the responsibility to use this resource in an efficient, ethical, and lawful manner. Use of university email accounts demonstrates the user’s agreement to be bound by this policy.
University email accounts are provided, at the discretion of the university, to students, faculty, staff, and others affiliated with the institution. Email activity is automatically logged and subject to review. All email data is the property of Western Illinois University, which reserves the right to intercept, record, read or disclose it at the sole discretion of authorized personnel. Users should not expect privacy from system review of any data, whether business or personal, even if encrypted or password-protected. As an Illinois public university, emails sent and received utilizing the institutional email system are subject to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act.
Account Creation and Changes
Email accounts are created for students at the time of their acceptance by the appropriate admissions office, and created for employees at the time their contract is active per Human Resources.
Student workers are allowed to use the student account assigned to them for university business during their time of student employment. A separate account must be created for GA’s, TA’s and RA’s handling sensitive information.
Employees who become classified as students during their time of employment (i.e. take classes after becoming an employee) are permitted to use their official university email for academic purposes, understanding that all other rules within this policy apply.
If an employee terminates their employment for any reason (voluntary or involuntary) while retaining their student status, a new student email account will be created for their academic use. Use of generic email accounts (i.e. email accounts not directly associated/trackable with a named user) is strictly prohibited. Any exceptions must be approved by a department head and the Chief Information Officer.
Account Revocation
Individuals may terminate their affiliation with the university for a variety of reasons, which will result in the revocation or expiration of email accounts. All email is the property of Western Illinois University, and the university reserves the right to revoke email privileges at any time.
- Separation of employees of any classification (i.e. faculty, civil service, administrative, etc.) - Employees who are separated from the university for any reason, including retirement, will have their email access revoked.
- Students - Students who leave the university (as graduates or without completion of their degree or other program) will have their email access revoked after two consecutive semesters of non-attendance.
Retirees and alumni who retained access to a WIU-owned email account prior to this policy being implemented will be contacted and given sufficient time to switch to their own personal email accounts before their WIU email accounts are deactivated.
Appropriate Use and User Responsibility
No data that is classified as “Sensitive” in the Sensitive Data Handling Procedures section of the Administrative Procedures Handbook shall be stored in or transmitted via email. See the Administrative Procedures Handbook for further information.
In order to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, including potential Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, employees must utilize only their WIU-provided ( email account when conducting university business. Use of personal accounts (i.e. gmail, yahoo, etc.) to conduct university business is strictly forbidden.
Email use should be limited only to university business or academic purposes. It is the responsibility of individual users to manage and report unwanted email communication. As such, any utilization of email for content that is illicit, illegal, or otherwise inappropriate is prohibited.
The following are provided as examples of prohibited behavior but are not to be considered an inclusive list.
- Generates or facilitates unsolicited bulk email;
- Subscription to email lists for personal use;
- Creation of website accounts for personal purposes utilizing a university email account (i.e. dating websites, gaming websites, shopping websites, etc.);
- Unlawful creation, distribution or receipt of copyright, trade or service mark materials;
- Violates, or encourages the violation of, the legal rights of others or federal and state laws;
- Is for any malicious, unlawful, invasive, infringing, defamatory, or fraudulent purpose;
- Signing up for illegal, unreliable, disreputable or suspect websites and services;
- Intentional distribution of malicious software or phishing emails;
- Sending insulting or discriminatory messages or content;
- Intentional alteration, interference or circumvention of any aspect of email services;
- Deliberate distribution or receipt of graphic materials such as pornography, harassing or violent content;
- Creates a risk to a person’s safety or health, creates a risk to public safety or health, compromises national security, or interferes with an investigation by law enforcement;
- Commercial and business-related uses not part of university business is prohibited;
- Using, attempting to use or impersonating the accounts of others;
- Collecting or using email addresses, screen name information or other identifiers for anything other than approved university use;
- Political activities, specifically supporting the nomination of any person for political office or attempting to influence the vote on any election or referendum on behalf of or under the sponsorship of the university;.
- Employees forwarding university emails to their personal email accounts;
- Employees downloading emails to devices not owned by the university.
Users will be responsible for backing up any wanted data in their email account (and associated Google services) prior to leaving the university.
Users will be responsible for informing contacts of their personal email address prior to leaving the university.
Users will be responsible for being aware of and reporting phishing emails.
Users will utilize the University Announcements System to request bulk email be sent to specific audiences.
Questions regarding the enforcement of this policy can be addressed to the University Technology Support Center at or (309) 298-TECH.
RESPONSIBILITIES (Implementation and Enforcement)
University Technology is responsible for, implementing, enforcing, updating and maintaining this policy.
- Technology Use Policy
- Password Policy
- Western Illinois University Administrative Procedures Handbook
- Data Management and Protection
- Intercepting Electronic Communications 18 USC § 2703 et seq
- Computer Fraud 18 USC § 1030
- Illinois Compiled Statutes Computer Fraud 720 ILCS 5/16D-6
- Illinois Compiled Statutes Computer Tampering (hacking, maliciously spreading viruses, etc.) 720 ILCS 5/16D-3
- Illinois Compiled Statutes Illicit or Unauthorized Use of a Password 720 ILCS 5/16D-7
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