Student Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Student Rights & Responsibilities Mission

The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR), housed in the Division of Student Success, strives to support safe, inclusive, and educational learning environments aiding in student success. Student Rights and Responsibilities endeavors to support Western Illinois University’s core values by reinforcing standards of academic excellence, promoting educational opportunity both inside and outside the classroom, enhancing personal growth of community members, and highlighting the importance of social responsibility while protecting student rights and addressing behavioral problems.


Student Rights and Responsibilities will provide Western Illinois University students with an exceptional educational, inclusive, and effective application of the code of student conduct policies and procedures.

Conduct Process

Western Illinois University’s philosophy on student conduct is educational in nature. Student Rights and Responsibilities offers sanctioning designed to guide student behavior and to balance the rights of individuals with that of the health and safety of the community. The student conduct process is not a legal process and is separate from local, state, and federal court proceedings. Instead, the standard of responsibility is based on a preponderance of the evidence.

You can find more details about the entire conduct process, what to expect, and how to prepare here.

The student conduct process is expected to:
  • Be respectful of all parties involved throughout the process
  • Determine consequences for behaviors that violate University rules, policies, and local, state, and federal laws
  • Offer outcomes to assist students in learning about the impact of their actions on themselves and others within their respective communities
  • Protect the integrity of students, faculty, staff, the institution, and the University community


Director of Student Rights & Responsibilities
Kelly Severs

Kelly Severs
Sherman Hall 317

Serves as "University Conduct Officer." Directs operations of University conduct system. Designates and supervises persons serving as conduct and hearing officers.

Conduct Officers and Graduate Assistants

Diamond Crawford

Graduate Assistant and Conduct Officer
Diamond Crawford
Sherman 317

Conduct Officers oversee the scheduling of conduct meetings and supervise selection/training of student conduct board members. They conduct disciplinary conferences, review all student discipline cases, and maintain student discipline records.

Assistant Vice President for Student Success

J roselieb

Joseph Roselieb
Sherman Hall 321

Reviews and acts on recommendations from conduct hearings; authors decision letters. 

Interim Vice President for Student Success

Justin Schuch
Sherman Hall 321

Retains ultimate authority for administration of the Code of Student Conduct. Reviews appeals of cases originating with the conduct hearings. Affirms final University decisions.




Student Rights and Responsibilities
Sherman Hall 317

Phone: (309) 298-2436

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