Council of Administrative Personnel

Past Employees of the Year

  • 2024 - No Award Given
  • 2023 - John "JB" Biernbaum, Associate VP Student Services
  • 2022 - No Award Given
  • 2021 - Samantha Klingler, Director of Student Development and Success Center
  • 2020 - No Award Given
  • 2019 - No Award Given
  • 2018 - Michael Carton, Education Director, WQPT Quad Cities
  • 2017 - Jessica Butcher, Assistant to the Vice President for Student Services
  • 2016 - Tracy Scott, Director of the Western Illinois University Student Development Office
  • 2015 - Jude Kiah, Director of WIU Bookstore and Director of Go West Transit
  • 2014 - Curtis Williams, Quad Cities Admissions
  • 2013 - Jamie Lange, WQPT Quad Cities
  • 2012 - Jeremy Merritt, Instructional Systems Technology Manger, University Technology and Kristi Mindrup, Assistant Vice President of WIU-QC
  • 2011 - Tim Rericha, Consultant, Research & Instruction, University Technology
  • 2010 - Julie DeWees, Director of Budget Office
  • 2009 - Matthew Bierman, Director of Residential Facilities
  • 2008 - Jennifer Grimm, Academic Advisor, Department of Communication
  • 2007 - Ann Comerford, Director of the  Office of Student Activities (OSA)