Assessment, Accreditation and Strategic Planning

The Leatherneck Accreditation Lab
A podcast series designed to provide information about university accreditation and what Western Illinois University might expect from our upcoming re-accreditation visit from the Higher Learning Commission.
Episode 8: Conclusive Remarks
Thurs., March 18, 2021

This episode, titled Conclusive Remarks features President Giuyou Huang, and Provost Martin Abraham, with Associate Provost Mark Mossman leading the discussion. Highlights include President Huang's insights on where WIU is headed after the accreditation visit and what stakeholders can expect over the next ten years as well as Provost Abraham's views on the value of an HLC accreditation visit to the university.
Episode 7: Criterion 5 - Institutional Effectiveness, Resources, and Planning
Mon., March 8, 2021

This episode, titled Criterion 5 - Institutional Effectiveness, Resources, and Planning, provides a high level overview of the University's financial and personnel functions. Featuring Renee Georges, University Budget Officer and Ketra Roselieb, Executive Director of Personnel and Financial Affairs.
Episode 6: Criterion 4 - Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement
Mon., March 1, 2021

This episode, titled Criterion 4 - Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement, talks about the fourth criterion of the University's Assurance Argument. This criterion seeks to demonstrate how Western responsibly provides quality educational programs, learning environments, and support services, and how Western evaluates their effectiveness for student learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement. Featuring Dr. Lori Baker-Sperry, professor of Women’s Studies and University Academic Assessment Coordinator, and Dr. Amy Patrick Mossman, Professor of English and Director of the University Writing Center.
Episode 5: Criterion 3 - Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support
Mon., February 22, 2021

This episode, titled Criterion 3 - Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support, talks about the third criterion of the University's Assurance Argument, which seeks to demonstrate that Western provides quality education, wherever and however our offerings are delivered. Featuring Dr. Amy Patrick Mossman, Professor of English and Director of the University Writing Center, and Dr. Kristi Mindrup, Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs and Interim Administrator in Charge for the Quad Cities Campus.
Episode 4: Criterion 2 - Ethical and Responsible Conduct
Mon., February 15, 2021

This episode, titled Criterion 2 - Ethical and Responsible Conduct, talks about the second criterion of the university's Assurance Argument. Dr. Polly Radosh, chair of the Board of Trustees and Justin Schuch, Executive Director of Retention Initiatives outline what can be found in criterion 2 including policies, procedures, governing board, and academic freedom.
Episode 3: Criterion 1 - The Mission
Fri., February 5, 2021

This episode, titled Criterion 1 - The Mission, talks about the first chapter of the university's Assurance Argument. This chapter seeks to demonstrate that Western's mission is clear, articulated publicly, and guides our operations. Featuring Dr. Mark Mossman, Associate Provost for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, and Mr. Billy Clow, Dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication.
Episode 2: History and Context
Fri., January 29, 2021

This episode titled History and Context seeks to provide the listeners with a brief history of accreditation in the US and some facts about Western’s accreditation over the last century.
Episode 1: What Is Accreditation and Why Is It Important?

Fri., January 22, 2021
This is the first episode of the podcast series called The Leatherneck Accreditation Lab, designed to provide you with information about university accreditation and what Western Illinois University might expect from our upcoming re-accreditation visit from the Higher Learning Commission.
Episode 1, titled What is Accreditation and Why is it Important? features the following speakers: Dr. Debbie Kepple-Mamros, Director of Assessment, Accreditation and Strategic Planning, Dr. Mark Mossman, Associate Provost for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, and Dr. Lori Baker-Sperry, Professor of Women’s Studies and WIU’s Assessment Coordinator.
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