University News
Men and Masculinity Conference at WIU Oct. 12; Program Proposal Deadline Sept. 14
August 24, 2012

MACOMB, IL – This October, Western Illinois University will host the Men and Masculinity Drive-In Conference: "(Man)ifesting Change, Taking Root." Sponsored by WIU's Center for the Study of Masculinities and Men's Development (CSMMD), as well as the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Region IV-East and Region IV-West, the one-day conference, which is slated for Friday, Oct. 12, will provide a venue for discussion, research and the distribution of information regarding men's gender identity development within the context of college campuses.
According to CSMMD Assistant Director Jennie Hemingway, student affairs practitioners planning to attend are encouraged to share their knowledge about strategies and best practices when working with college men; ways to help men matriculate through their college experience; collaborative approaches to men's development; and student retention and the learning environment created for men in higher education.
Individuals can submit program proposals online via NASPA's website at; proposals are due on or before Friday, Sept. 14. Hemingway said online registration is also available at To receive the early-bird discount, individuals are encouraged to register on or before Sept. 14. (The early-bird rate for members is $40 and for non-members $115; after Sept. 14 the registration fee for members is $70 and for non-members $145.)
"Those submitting proposals can focus their submissions on the key themes we'll cover at '(Man)ifesting Change, Taking Root,'" Hemingway explained. "Those include identity development and race; counseling/mental; health and wellness; violence prevention; recruitment/retention; assessment; collaborative approaches to men's development; and social justice."
The Men and Masculinity Drive-In Conference: "(Man)ifesting Change, Taking Root" will run from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 12 and will be located in Horrabin Hall on the WIU-Macomb campus.
According to Hemingway, a Men and Masculinities Knowledge Community (MMKC) Undergraduate Institute will be held in conjunction with the Masculinity Drive-In Conference: "(Man)ifesting Change, Taking Root." Open to undergraduate students of all genders and areas of study, the MMKC Undergraduate Institute also runs from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 12. Undergraduate student registration fees are: $15 for early registration (on or before Sept. 14); general registration $30 (Sept. 15-Oct. 11); and late registration $45 (starts on Oct. 12). Undergraduate students can also register online at
The Center for the Study of Masculinities and Men's Development at WIU is a pro-feminist University-based organization focused on the critical analysis of masculinities as it applies to men and men's development. CSMMD faculty and staff have interests in the academic side of higher education (research, scholarship development, conferences, etc.), as well as the developmental side (program development and implementation). The main impetus for starting the Center was to focus on expanding the boundaries of knowledge about men's development.
For more information, contact Hemingway at (309) 298-3047 or via email at Learn more about WIU's CSMMD at
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