University News
Zoerink Appointed RPTA Interim Chair
August 24, 2012

MACOMB, IL – Dean Zoerink, professor in the Western Illinois University Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration (RPTA), has been appointed interim department chair, effective Aug. 16, according to College of Education and Human Services Dean Sterling Saddler. Zoerink replaces Dale Adkins, who was recently named associate dean for academic affairs, research and innovation in the College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) at Western.
Zoerink started at Western in 1992; prior to that, he was an associate professor of leisure studies in the physical education and leisure studies department at Kansas State University (1990-92). He also served as a recreation and leisure services assistant and associate professor at Kent State University (1983-90), as well as an instructor in the recreation division of the University of Northern Iowa School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation (1977-80) and as an instructor and research associate in the recreation, parks and tourism department at the University of Missouri-Columbia (1976-77).
"Dr. Zoerink's appointment presents an exciting opportunity for the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration," Saddler said. "He will be a fine addition to the COEHS leadership team. Dean is highly regarded in his field, as well as on campus as an academician. His body of work is admired by all who know him."
During his academic career, Zoerink has presented at numerous conferences, including last December at the Australia and New Zealand Association of Leisure Studies 10th Biennial Conference in Dunedin, New Zealand. He also has authored numerous journal articles, as well as several chapters and/or portions of books. He published the book, "Connecting Wellness and Leisure" in 2000.
Zoerink was awarded the Jeannette and Jerome Cohen Research Grant Award in 2006-2007 from the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance. He is a member of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association, the Illinois Recreation Therapy Association and the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance.
Zoerink received his doctorate degree in education/recreation, park and leisure studies, from the University of Minnesota (1986) and his master's degree (1973) and bachelor's degree (1970) in recreation education from the University of Iowa.
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