University News
"State of Manhood" Feb. 20: Inaugural Lecture in Ongoing Series for Men's Development
February 11, 2013

MACOMB, IL -- The Western Illinois University Center for the Study of Masculinities and Men's Development (CSMMD) will present the lecture, "State of Manhood" by Jason Laker, a Salzburg Fellow, chair of and professor in the counselor education department at San José State University, from 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20 in the Hainline Theatre in Browne Hall.
Laker's presentation is the inaugural lecture in CSMMD's ongoing speaker series dedicated to addressing men's development issues and the intersections of masculinities in society. He will discuss the impact that society's gender expectations have on manhood and its intersecting masculinities.
A "My Masculinity Project" workshop will follow Laker's lecture from 8:30-10 p.m. During the workshop, the participants will each compose a blog about their unique or traditional experiences of masculinity. The workshop following Laker's lecture is optional, separate from the lecture and is not part of the All-Greek Educational.
Laker has presented many keynote speeches and invited sessions at professional conferences on student affairs and development issues, gender, community leadership and related topics and has a significant publication record in these areas including two edited volumes "Masculinities in Higher Education," with Tracy Davis, CSMMD director, educational and interdisciplinary studies professor and WIU college student personnel coordinator, (Routledge, 2011) and "Canadian Perspectives on Men and Masculinities" (Oxford University Press, 2011).
Laker's teaching, consulting and academic work includes 20 years of administrative leadership experiences in student and academic affairs in several types of university environments. His consulting topics include male student development; engagement and success; engaging men in ending violence against women; effective judicial affairs work with male students; and supporting men in groups, among others.
This event is co-sponsored by the CSMMD, WIU's College Student Personnel Program, Interfraternity and PanHellenic Councils, V-Men, the University Counseling Center, the WIU Women's Center, the Visiting Lecture Committee, the Council on Student Activities Funds, and the Interpersonal Violence Prevention Initiative at Western.
For more information, contact the Center for the Studies of Masculinities and Men's Development at (309) 298-3047. Learn more about the CSMMD at
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