University News
'Nature's Tricksters' Program at Horn Field Campus Oct. 11
October 7, 2013

MACOMB, IL – Ever wondered how animals adapt to survive during the long winter months? Now is your chance to find out via "Nature's Tricksters," a Friday, Oct. 11 program to be presented at Western Illinois University's Horn Field Campus.
Hosted by Maddie Ruhl, a naturalist and graduate student in the recreation, park and tourism administration department at Western, "Nature's Tricksters" is scheduled for 6-7 p.m. and is open free to the public.
According to Ruhl, it will take place before the Horn Field Campus Corn Maze, which opens at 7 p.m. that night. Cost for the Corn Maze is $5 per person (ages 13 and up) and $2 per child (ages 12 and under).
"Fall is a time of change, and preparing to survive the long winter requires tricks of the trade for all animals," Ruhl noted. "The program will provide information about how to spot signs of hibernating species, camouflage survival tricks and animals' adaptations for the cold months ahead."
For more information, contact Ruhl at
Visit Horn Field Campus online at
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