University News

Memorial Services Held for Hoerner

April 24, 2014

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MACOMB – Agriculture Professor Emeritus Harry J. Hoerner, 77, passed away Sunday, April 13 at his home in Good Hope.

Services were held Friday, April 18 in Roseville.

Hoerner came to WIU in 1975 and worked as a professor in the WIU Department of Agriculture and as an individual studies adviser in the University's Advising and Academic Support Center. He was also the club adviser to the Agriculture Mechanization Club and wrote numerous agriculture-related articles and books.

During his time at Western, Hoerner won numerous awards, including the Faculty Excellence Award at Western in 1986 and a blue ribbon award from the American Society of Agricultural Engineers in 1992 for his development of educational materials.

Hoerner retired from the University in January 1998.

He received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Iowa State University and his Ed.D. from Oklahoma State University. He had also taught previously at Penn State University and Oklahoma State University after several years of being an agriculture teacher at several Iowa high schools.

Hoerner is survived by his wife, Jo Ann, two sons and one daughter.

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