University News
Annual History Conference April 27
April 19, 2002

MACOMB, IL - - Western Illinois University's 27th annual History Conference, "History: Now When We Need It The Most," will be held Saturday, April 27 in Stipes Hall.
A keynote address, "Beyond Black Hawk: Rethinking the Native History of Illinois," will be presented at 1:45 p.m. in the Union Heritage Room by Frederick Hoxie, the Swanlund Professor of History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
"This daylong program series will address an array of subjects that cover the broad spectrum of human historical experiences," said Larry Balsamo, history department chair and conference coordinator.
Participants may select from four presentations to be given by WIU history faculty and guest speakers.
Topics in the 9 a.m. session include four presentations by WIU history faculty members: "Revolts, Rebellions and Revisions: Understanding Terror in Early America" by Virginia Jelatis; "The Springfield Riot of 1908 and the Emergence of the NAACP" by Jacqueline McLeod; "Of Quicksand and Quagmires: Afghanistan in Modern History" by Darrell Dykstra; and "Nomohan, 1939:The Unknown Russo-Japanese Battle in Mongolia and its Global Impact" by David Egler.
Selections for the 10:10 a.m. session include a presentation on "The Underground Railroad in the Middle West: Myth or Reality?" by Galin Berrier of Des Moines Area Community College; and three sessions by WIU aculty, "Terrorism in Gilded Age America" by Peter Cole; "Johnson Agonistes: LBJ and the War in Viet Nam" by George Hopkins; and "The Great Roman Shindig: The Making of the Roman Emperor from Augustus to Charles V" by Tom Watkins.
The 11:20 a.m. session will include a presentation on fiction writing by WIU emeritus professor of European history Charles O'Brien, who is a published writer of historical mysteries. O'Brien's session is "The Historical Mystery Novel: A Critical Overview." Other selections will include "Terrorism in Recent European History: End and Means" by Sharon Watkins; "Prairie Phenomenon and Patriotic Paragon: Abraham Lincoln in the Classroom" by Balsamo; and "Victory and Sea: Midway, Philippine Sea and Leyte Gulf" by John Werner.
The annual conference is sponsored by WIU's history department, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Extended and Continuing Education Non-Credit Programs, the division of advancement and public services and the Organization of American Historians.
For more information contact WIU Non-Credit Programs, 309-298-1911.
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