University News
Daytner Appointed Interim Associate Dean for WIU College of Ed and Human Services
July 24, 2014

MACOMB, IL – Katrina Daytner has been appointed the interim associate dean for administration in the Western Illinois University College of Education and Human Services (COEHS). According to COEHS Interim Dean Erskine Smith, Daytner will assume the duties of the post Friday, Aug. 1.
Daytner joined Western's faculty in 2001 as an assistant professor in the educational and interdisciplinary studies department, with primary teaching responsibilities in the area of educational psychology, methods research and clinical observations in human growth and development. In 2006, she served as the faculty associate for First Year Experience (FYE), and in that that role, she was responsible for co-chairing a few committees including the Foundations of Excellence Self Study, Committee on FYE Classes, FYE Review Committee and FYE Leadership Committee.
During her time at WIU, Daytner has published her research in Midwestern Educational Researcher; has written numerous grant reports; and has presented at conferences for the American Educational Research Association, the Midwestern Educational Research Association and the annual meetings of the First Year Experience. She has served on the Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards; the Academy for Persistence and Completion (Higher Learning Commission); and WIU's Faculty Senate. In 2013, Daytner was promoted to the rank of professor.
"Given Katrina's background, it is obvious that she has a passion for teaching and assisting students. In her role as interim associate dean, I believe she will be a great addition to the dean's office and will help us provide professional and efficient services to the COEHS community of chairpersons, faculty, staff and students as she assists particularly with issues related to human resources, facility and financial management," Smith said.
Daytner earned her doctorate in educational psychology (with a concentration in human development) from Indiana University—Bloomington, her master's degree in developmental psychology from Illinois State University and her bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Wisconsin—LaCrosse.
In 2013, Daytner won the COEHS Award for Excellence in Service and the WIU Provost's Award for Academic Excellence in University/Community Service.
For more information, contact COEHS Director of Development, Marketing and Community Relations Dana Moon at (309) 298-1690 or via email at
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