University News
Fall 2014 College, Departmental, Honors Scholars
December 8, 2014

MACOMB, IL – Six students participating in Western Illinois University's 2014 Fall Commencement Ceremonies Friday-Saturday Dec. 19-20 in Macomb have received the highest recognition from their colleges for their overall academic excellence by being named a College Scholar.
The 5:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 19 Academic Honors Convocation in Western Hall will honor College Scholars, Departmental Scholars and Honors Scholars who have earned academic distinction throughout their Western Illinois University careers. Students receive a medallion for each honor, which they wear at Commencement Ceremonies.
Faculty in each of Western Illinois University's four academic colleges; the School of Distance Learning, International Studies and Outreach; and the Centennial Honors College select a graduating senior as each college's outstanding student. Students graduating as College Scholars have satisfied the criteria of excellence established by their individual academic college's faculty members. A Departmental Scholar is an outstanding degree candidate in an academic major as determined by the faculty in the major department. An Honors Scholar* is a student in the Centennial Honors College who has completed a set of honors requirements and has achieved a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.4 on a 4.0 scale.
Approximately 10 percent of graduating seniors achieve academic distinction, which is designed as Summa Cum Laude, highest academic distinction, with a minimum GPA of 3.90; Magna Cum Laude, high academic distinction, with a GPA of 3.75-3.89; and Cum Laude, academic distinction, with a GPA between 3.60-3.74. Each of the University's College Scholars, as well as the Fall 2014 Convocation Speaker, the Departmental Scholars, Honors Scholars and students who are graduating with academic distinction, are listed below.
Convocation Speaker
Joshua M. Yelle (Crystal Lake, IL), who graduates with a B.B. in Finance and is an Honors Scholar, is the convocation speaker. He will deliver his address, "So Many Roads," at the Dec. 19 Academic Honors Convocation ceremony in Western Hall.
Centennial Honors College Scholar
Angelica Marie Jasper (Wheaton, IL) graduates with a B.S. in Psychology with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude. She is also the Psychology Departmental Scholar and an Honors Scholar. While at Western, Jasper participated in a highly competitive undergraduate research program in behavioral and cognitive sciences through the University of Minnesota. As a result of participating in that program, she received a grant from the National Science Foundation, which funded her summer research on old adults with dementia. She has also served as the WIU Gerontology Club president, worked as a resident assistant for University Housing and as an executive board member for the National Residence Hall Honorary. She is a recipient of the Phi Kappa Phi Roland Grass Memorial Scholarship and the Mila R. Allen Showers Scholarship and is a member of the Phi Kappa Phi and Psi Chi.
College of Arts and Sciences Scholar
Ashley Luke (Oak Creek, WI) graduates with a B.S. in Political Science, a B.A. in Journalism, with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude. She is also the Political Science Departmental Scholar, Journalism Departmental Scholar and Western Illinois University's recipient of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois' Student Laureate Award for 2014. Luke's extracurricular activities include a variety of service, including serving as the president of the Associated Students of Political Science and Pi Sigma Alpha, as the founder of the WIU Athletic-International Ambassadors, as a committee member of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, as the student athlete representative for the WIU Council on Intercollegiate Athletics and as a volunteer for the McDonough County Humane Society. Luke was also named the first Academic All-American in WIU women's basketball history and was named the Summit League 2012-13 Newcomer of the Year.
College of Business and Technology Scholar
Kristina Renee Johnson (Carthage, IL) graduates with a B.B. in Marketing with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude. She is also the Marketing Departmental Scholar and an Honors Scholar. During her time at Western, she has been active in the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, Beta Gamma Sigma and Campus Students for Christ. She has served as a campus tour guide for Discover Western and a housing ambassador for University Housing and Dining Services. She has also worked as a residence hall clerk and a student assistant while attending WIU. Johnson has also served her community as a Sunday school teacher and as a volunteer at the LaHarpe (IL) Firemen's Christmas Dinner and the Fountain Green Soup Supper.
College of Education and Human Services Scholar
Sadie Keefauver (Astoria, IL) graduates with a B.S. in Special Education with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude. She is also the Special Education Departmental Scholar and an Honors Scholar. She is a member of the Illinois Education Association and served as a volunteer and leader for Student's Today Leaders Forever, as well as a volunteer for Western's All Volunteer Experience (WAVE) during her time at WIU. She also worked as an intramural supervisor for Campus Recreation's intramural program. Off campus and during the summer months, she worked as a counselor for the Center for Courageous Kids in Kentucky and as a counselor at the Summer Adventure Camp for the YWCA in Pekin (IL).
College of Fine Arts and Communication Scholar
Linsey Rae Lundeen (Aledo, IL) graduates with a B.A. in Art with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude. She is the Art Departmental Scholar. While attending Western, Lundeen received the Patricia Bulkeley Scholarship for art majors. She has also been active in the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, Kappa Pi Honorary Art Fraternity and has competed in numerous juried exhibitions. In Fall 2013, Lundeen designed and painted one of the 14 Rocky on Parade statues around Macomb, and in Fall 2014, she designed the artwork for the WIU Foundation holiday greeting card. She also served as the president of the WIU Metalsmithing and Jewelry Design Club and the treasurer of the WIU Ceramics Club.
School of Distance Learning, International Studies and Outreach Scholar
Ashley E. Reaves (Oquawka, IL) graduates with a B.A. in General Studies. Reaves has worked as registered dental hygienist for the last few years, as well as served as an instructor at a dental hygiene school. She has been involved with several tooth mobile sealant programs and delivered oral-health education presentations at elementary schools around her community. She is a member of the Illinois State Dental Society.
Departmental and Honors Scholars, Academic Distinction
By Illinois counties and out of state:
Adams County
Quincy (62305) – Dillon L. Cook, psychology, Honors Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Quincy (62301) – Logan Schroeder, Exercise Science Departmental Scholar; Joshua Smith, Geology Departmental Scholar
Ursa (62376) – Benjamin W. Shriver, Agriculture Departmental Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Boone County
Belvidere (61008) – Alejandro Herrera, graphic communication, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude; Sarah L. Schroeder, biological sciences, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Capron (61012) – Joseph Lammersfeld, music, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Brown County
Timewell (62375) – C. B. Bradley, computer science, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Carroll County
Milledgeville (61051) – Haley R. Patterson, biological sciences, Honors Scholar, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Savanna (61074) – Rebecca Grace Titus, music, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Champaign County
Champaign (61821) – Karl Jacob Alumbaugh, accounting, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Cook County
Calumet City (60409) – Shanique Ries, biology, Honors Scholar
Chicago (60646) – Hayley E. Delia, communication, Honors Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Chicago (60612) – Datrese Hearn, Sociology Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar
Chicago (60652) – Nakia Johnson, Family and Consumer Sciences Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar
Elgin (60120) – Amber Ross, Economics (B.B.) Departmental Scholar; Corinna Soto, Bilingual/Bicultural Education Departmental Scholar
Frankfort (60423) – Brianna Martin, elementary education, Honors Scholar
Hickory Hills (60457) – C.N. Makropoulos, music, Honors Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Homewood (60430) – Kevin Cobban, History Departmental Scholar; Krista C Glass, accounting, Honors Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Mount Prospect (60056) – Andrew Sheridan, Network Technologies Departmental Scholar
North Riverside (60546) – Ryan Casper, Physical Education Departmental Scholar
South Holland (60473) – Sherrise Linton, pre-law, Honors Scholar
DeKalb County
DeKalb (60115) – Elizabeth A. Peregrine, Music Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude; Ashley M. Covington, elementary education, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
DuPage County
Aurora (60504) – Ashley Nicole Wilson, special education, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Downers Grove (60516) – Kyle John Sallas, law enforcement and justice administration, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Naperville (60540) – Edward Ingram, Emergency Management Departmental Scholar
Wheaton (60189) – Angelica Marie Jasper, Centennial Honors College Scholar, Psychology Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Effingham County
Altamont (62411)) – Jared Scott Summers, accounting, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Fulton County
Astoria (61501) – Morgan Ann Clark, Biological Sciences Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude; Sadie Keefauver, College of Education and Human Services Scholar, Special Education Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Avon (61415) – Erin E. Hutchins, Accounting Department Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Canton (61520) – Kathryne Valentin, Honors Scholar
Hancock County
Augusta (62311) – Colton G. Eddington, Graphic Communication Departmental Scholar, will graduate academic distinction, Cum Laude
Carthage (62321) – Kristina Renee Johnson, College of Business and Technology Scholar, Marketing Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Dallas City (62330) – Ross Purchatzke, physical education, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Warsaw (62379) – Megan B. Harrison, elementary education, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Henderson County
Dallas City (62330) – Ross Purchatzke, physical education, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Henry County
Geneseo (61254) – Megan Kay Melcher, music, Honors Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Kewanee (61443) – Emily M. Robinson, elementary education, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Iroquois County
Martinton (60951) – Andrea Owens, music, Honors Scholar
Jo Daviess County
Elizabeth (61028) – Tori Groezinger, accounting, Honors Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Kane County
Aurora (60504) – Ashley Nicole Wilson, special education, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Elgin (60120) – Amber Ross, Economics (B.B.) Departmental Scholar; Corinna Soto, Bilingual/Bicultural Education Departmental Scholar
Geneva (60134) – Eric C. Linke, music, Honors Scholar, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Sugar Grove (60554) – Marisa Perillo, family and consumer sciences, Honors Scholar
Kendall County
Aurora (60504) – Ashley Nicole Wilson, special education, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Knox County
Galesburg (61401) – Lauren Betts, graphic communication, Honors Scholar; Tyler M. Farrell, law enforcement and justice administration, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude; Molly E. Rupert, recreation, park and tourism administration, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
LaSalle County
Streator (61364) – Jerold Young, Physics Departmental Scholar
Livingston County
Pontiac (61764) – John Trainor, Honors Scholar
Streator (61364) – Jerold Young, Physics Departmental Scholar
Logan County
Lincoln (62656) – Lucas W. Davis, Economics (B.A.) Departmental Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Lincoln (62656) – Katherine Harmon, Honors Scholar
Macon County
Oakley (62552) – Travis Walker, Fire Protection Services Departmental Scholar
Madison County
Troy (62035) – Alex Zimmerman, Public Health Departmental Scholar
Troy (62294) – Lindsey Posmanick, pre-law, Honors Scholar
McDonough County
Blandinsville (61420) – Christopher Barenz, Finance Departmental Scholar
Macomb (61455) – Cassandra V. Combs, finance, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude; Ian Joseph Courter, graphic communication, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude; Hannah Eileen Elting, accounting, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude; John D. Ewen, Engineering Technology Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude; Ashley Luke, College of Arts and Sciences Scholar, Political Science Departmental Scholar, Journalism Departmental Scholar, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude; Michael P. Pendergast, biological sciences, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude; Cheryl A. Rossio, bachelor of arts and sciences in general studies, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
McHenry County
Crystal Lake (60012) – Joshua M. Yelle, finance, Convocation Speaker, Honors Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Huntley (60142) – Taylor Anne Henning, accounting, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
McLean County
Bloomington (61701) – Mark Joseph Kletz, music, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Chenoa (61726) – Kathryn Jones, Liberal Arts and Sciences Departmental Scholar
El Paso (61738) – Jessica Lauren Knepp, Management Departmental Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Mercer County
Aledo (61231) – Linsey Rae Lundeen, College of Fine Arts and Communication Scholar, Art Departmental Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Ogle County
Byron (61010) – Amanda Kester, Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration Departmental Scholar
Peoria County
Peoria (61614) – Danielle L. Shook, art, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Trivoli (61569) – David R. Eberley, agriculture, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude; Ashlee A. Franken, music, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Pike County
Pittsfield (62363) – Megan Lynn Moffit, Communication Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Rock Island County
East Moline (61244) – Christa Lopez, elementary education, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Illinois City (61259) – Mikaela R. Simmons, music, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Moline (61265) – Bryce Brewer, Engineering Departmental Scholar; Miranda D. Luder, elementary education, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Rock Island (61201) – Elizabeth C. Davison, liberal arts and sciences, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude; Judah L. Kennedy, political science, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
St. Clair County
O'Fallon (62269) – Claire P. Distler, music, Honors Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Sangamon County
Rochester (62563) – Taylor Jeffrey Hill, Mathematics Departmental Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Warren County
Monmouth (61462) – Aaron Allen Sikorski, Elementary Education Departmental Scholar, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Whiteside County
Morrison (61270) – Brianna N. Eizenga, elementary education, Honors Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Sterling (61081) – James Allen Manus, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration Departmental Scholar, Spanish Teacher Education Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Will County
Aurora (60504) – Ashley Nicole Wilson, special education, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Frankfort (60423) – Brianna Martin, elementary education, Honors Scholar
Homer Glen (60491) – Kaylyn Diane Tracy, communication, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Mokena (60448) – Sabah Kayyal, Social Work Departmental Scholar
Naperville (60540) – Edward Ingram, Emergency Management Departmental Scholar
Winnebago County
Cherry Valley (61016) – Casey Woodman, Broadcasting Departmental Scholar
Roscoe (61073) – Kellie Lynn Raddatz, family and consumer sciences, Honors Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Woodford County
El Paso (61738) – Jessica Lauren Knepp, Management Departmental Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Cum Laude
Out of State
Des Moines County
Burlington (52601) – Tiffany Alana Langer, Computer Science Departmental Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude; Lindsey M. Ruberg, music, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Lee County
Ft. Madison (52627) – Patrick Bohnenkamp, Anthropology Departmental Scholar
Muscatine County
Blue Grass (52726) – Trisha Marie Weeks, elementary education, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Muscatine (52761) – Jordan J. Walgren, elementary education, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
Scott County
Bettendorf (52722) – Rebekah Ruth Byrnes, English Departmental Scholar, French Teacher Education Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude,
Blue Grass (52726) – Trisha Marie Weeks, elementary education, will graduate with highest academic distinction, Summa Cum Laude
Davenport (52803) – Nick S. Bakeris, Construction Management Departmental Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
Davenport (52801) – Jerry Jones, Information Systems Departmental Scholar
Davenport (52804) – Andrew M. Weingart, law enforcement and justice administration, will graduate with academic distinction, Cum Laude
LeClaire (52753) – Kathy Sidlinger, Human Resource Management Departmental Scholar
Van Buren County
Bonaparte (52620) – Rachel Lorene Caston, Forensic Chemistry Departmental Scholar, will graduate with high academic distinction, Magna Cum Laude
*A student's status as an "Honors Scholar" is determined with the most up-to-date information available at the time of release; students must complete Honors College requirements and achieve a required grade point average to qualify as Honors Scholars.
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