University News
Employee, Alum Terstriep Named IHSA Official of the Year in Girls Volleyball
January 12, 2015

MACOMB, IL — One of Western Illinois University's own has been selected as the Illinois High School Association's Official of the Year in Girls Volleyball. Julie Terstriep (Industry, IL), who is the business manager at WIU Campus Recreation, is among up to 20 individuals being recognized this year by the IHSA for the great work they do for young people.
Terstriep—who earned her master's degree in recreation, park and tourism administration in 2013 and her bachelor's degree (Board of Trustees degree, what is now the Bachelor of Arts in General Studies [BGS]) in 1988 from Western—said she was floored by the honor.
"I began officiating volleyball to learn the rules, as our daughter decided to begin playing when she was in fourth grade. She is now a high school coach and an IHSA volleyball official, as well," Terstriep noted. "I've had so many great officials mentor me in the past 16 years, and they have helped me to continually improve. I've enjoyed working with fellow officials and coaches, and it's very rewarding to watch the players grow."
In July, Terstriep will be recognized for her achievement at an awards banquet to be held at the IHSA Officials conference in Peoria.
According to IHSA Assistant Executive Director Craig Anderson, annually the IHSA receives nominations from the organization's officials' associations from across the state for Official of the Year nominations.
"The nominations are reviewed by the IHSA assistant executive director responsible for that sport. Based on criteria that includes years of service, level of experience, state series officiating accomplishments, dedication to officiating and service to IHSA and/or to a local officials' association, an official of the year is selected," Anderson explained. "Julie is very deserving of this recognition, as she excels in all of these areas. She is a great ambassador for the game of volleyball. Not only is she successful in her officiating career, but she also continues to give back to the game by serving as a mentor for younger officials."
For more information, contact Terstriep at (309) 298-2773 or via email at
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