University News
NSSE Coming to WIU Freshmen and Seniors Starting Feb. 16; Nat'l Survey Assesses Undergraduate Experiences
February 11, 2015

MACOMB, IL — Beginning next week, Western Illinois University freshmen and seniors will notice an email in their Zimbra inboxes from President Jack Thomas. The message will ask them to respond to the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). The survey, to be delivered to students' inboxes about once a week over the next month and a half—beginning Monday, Feb. 16 through the end of March this semester—measures how students are spending their time in college.
According to WIU Institutional Research and Planning (IRP) Associate Director Angela Bonifas, more specifically, the survey measures undergraduates' academic challenges, their learning with peers and their experiences with faculty members and the campus environment.
"This survey identifies several high impact practices in higher education and assesses how well institutions are doing at providing students with the opportunity to engage in those activities while they are receiving their degrees," Bonifas explained.
During the next few weeks, Western students will be reminded to respond to the survey via signage around campus and with a digital campaign delivered through social media.
"We are encouraging students to participate via as many communication channels as we can. Participation in NSSE helps Western compare the academic experiences of Western's undergraduate students with that of comparison peer groups," Bonifas noted. "It helps us identify areas in our undergraduate experience—areas in which we are excelling and areas in which we can improve. The information we obtain from the NSSE will have a broad impact on the entire campus, including faculty, department chairs, deans, professional staff and administration. We want to be sure that all groups on campus can use the results of the survey to better the student experience at WIU."
For more information, contact Institutional Research and Planning at (309) 298-1185.
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