University News
CAIT Summer Experience
May 23, 2002

MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois University's Center for the Application of Information Technologies (CAIT) will host a 2002 Summer Experience Tuesday and Wednesday, June 25-26.
The two-day conference will bring together Pre-K-12th grade teachers and administrators from at least 25 districts throughout Illinois, and will feature more than 60 concurrent workshops designed to explore new ways of teaching and learning. Hands-on training will be provided in classroom strategies and technology integration, with emphasis on PreK-12 educational curriculum.
"The 2002 Summer Experience is one of our efforts to provide the educational community with the tools and training they need for the future of teaching and learning," said CAIT Director Mike Dickson.
Annette Lamb, creator of the popular educational website Eduscapes, will deliver the keynote address Technology Landscapes: Adapting to Changing Learning Environments. Lamb will also facilitate the workshop Extreme Thinking: Transforming Traditional Technology Projects into Effective Learning Environments. Lamb has been a professor of education, elementary library media specialist and computer teacher. She writes, speaks and conducts professional development workshops in the areas of educational technology integration, educational computing and library/media management. More information on "Eduscapes" is available at
All workshop sessions will emphasize curriculum solutions from specialists in the field. Most sessions will run 80 minutes with topics such as Developing Telecollaborative Projects to Connect Classrooms, Excelerate Learning in Middle School Math and Science, The Digital Classroom and Integrating the Internet into the Classroom.
Cost for the conference prior to June 1 is $55 for one day or $70 for both days, which includes continental breakfast, lunch, snacks and materials. For a full listing of workshops and session information, visit the website at
CAIT is an Illinois State Board of Education-approved provider for teacher recertification with a total of 11 CPDUs available over the two days of the Summer Experience.
Located in WIUs College of Education and Human Services, CAIT is designated by the Illinois Board of Higher Education as the only center of its kind in Illinois. It serves as a catalyst for the application of present and future instructional-based technologies impacting teaching, learning and training in our society. CAITs K-12 Professional Development division provides onsite consultation, professional development and collaboration opportunities for K-12 educators on new and innovative teaching strategies.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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