University News
WIU-QC Counseling Education Students Win Video Contest
April 6, 2015

MOLINE, IL – Students in the Western Illinois University-Quad Cities Counseling Education graduate program won first place in the 2015 CACREP Advocacy Week Video Contest.
The video entry titled, "CACREP & WIU are Right for U!" competed against other video submissions from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) accredited programs from across the country.
WIU Counseling Education Associate Professor Carrie Alexander-Albritton said she is very proud of the efforts by the counseling education students.
"They formed a committee and were committed to doing most all of it themselves: the photography, writing the song lyrics and the video editing," she said. "They worked really hard to create an authentic and meaningful interpretation of what they are trained to do here as emerging professional counselors in a CACREP accredited program."
CACREP is a recognized accrediting agency by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and holds full membership status with the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors and the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education.
The winning video is an informational production about the WIU-Quad Cities, CACREP accredited, Counseling Education graduate program.
The students involved with the creation of the video were awarded with a $500 Amazon gift card, which they used to buy items for the counseling education department's new counseling clinic.
To view the winning video, visit
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