University News
Strategic Plan Press Events Postponed
June 10, 2016

UPDATE [6/20/16]:
MACOMB/MOLINE, IL -- The strategic plan supplement press events, originally scheduled for Thursday, June 30 as outlined in the June 10 BOT release, have been postponed until further notice.
BOT Approves Program Review Recommendations, Strategic Plan, UPI MOU
Posted June 10, 2016
MACOMB/MOLINE IL -- The Western Illinois University Board of Trustees approved the elimination of four academic degree programs as majors and the modification of four academic degree programs at its meeting today (June 10). Currently enrolled students in those select degree programs scheduled to be phased out will be able to complete their degree programs, and select classes will continue to be offered to ensure a diverse curriculum.
Due to declining/low enrollment in select programs, the Board voted unanimously to eliminate African American studies, philosophy, religious studies and women's studies as major degree programs. While these programs will no longer be offered as majors for future students, students may declare a minor in these areas and select classes will also be available in these content areas to fulfill the University's general education curriculum. The Board also voted to modify bilingual/bicultural education, public health, geography and musical theatre degree programs.
Trustees also approved the University's FY'17 preliminary spending plan of $221.3 million. The spending plan is a decrease of a $24.6 million over the Fiscal Year 2016 All Funds Budget. The University's FY'17 All Funds Operating Budget will be presented to the Board in October.
Board members approved the implementation of University's Higher Values in Higher Education (2016-2026) strategic plan supplement. The strategic plan supplement and its implementation will be unveiled at press conferences Thursday, June 30 at 10 a.m. (WIU-Macomb) and 2 p.m. (WIU-Quad Cities).
The Board approved the digital marketing contract renewal, contingent upon funding, with MediaLink of Rock Island, IL (FY'17: $220,000), and approved a contract with Waste Management of Illinois at a cost of $1.5 million for four fiscal years to provide refuse disposal (option to renew, $2 million for fiscal years 2022-2026).
Trustees also approved a contract for President Jack Thomas. Due to the current budget situation, at the request of the president, the Board voted to defer a salary increase for Thomas (current salary: $270,528).
In addition, the Board approved the University Professionals of Illinois (UPI) Local 4100 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The full agreement can be found at (under Board of Trustees Agendas, Materials & Minutes.
In other business, the Board approved positive tenure recommendations for 21 faculty members (see separate release) and elected officers (see separate release).
The WIU Board of Trustees will hold a retreat July 14-15 in Macomb. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held Oct. 6-7 on the WIU-Macomb campus.
Posted By: University Communications (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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