University News
Western Challenge Set for Purple & Gold Day April 24
April 16, 2018

MACOMB/MOLINE IL -- The third annual "Western Challenge" at Western Illinois University will kick off at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, April 24.
Held each year on Purple & Gold Day, the Western Challenge is a 24-hour online giving campaign aimed at inspiring alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends to express their support of Western students by making a personal gift.
"This year, we are highlighting the power of collective giving and the students who benefit. Participating in the Western Challenge with a gift of any amount sends a clear message that regardless of one's affiliation with our University, our common focus is our outstanding students and their success," said Director of Annual Giving Tim Hallinan. "In past Western Challenge campaigns, we have seen alumni, faculty and staff, administrators, and even students, participate with exceedingly higher numbers and we are incredibly grateful for that. The Western Challenge is really about supporting our students and demonstrating to them that we are all committed to their success at Western Illinois University."
Donors will have the opportunity to choose exactly where their gift goes. They can donate to specific scholarship funds, departments, athletics programs, campus improvements and other areas at either the Macomb or Quad Cities campuses, according to Hallinan.
"The Western Challenge showcases collective giving at its finest. It's not necessarily about how much one gives. It's about participation," he added. "With hundreds of different funds and scholarships people can support, it's really just a matter of deciding what area, or areas, of Western matter the most to you and expressing that support with your gift."
Donors can also visit the Western Challenge site and choose to become an "advocate" to help drive the effort via social media, as well as issue their own challenge or matching gifts to inspire increased participation. This year's "challenge" is for at least 1,500 people to add their name to the online donor wall with their gift made between 12:01 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. April 24.
Last year, the Western Challenge engaged 1,071 donors, which set a record for individual giving to the University within a 24-hour period.
"This can be another record-setting day for Western as Leathernecks near and far unite in giving to turn their affinities into opportunities for our students," Hallinan said.
For updates and participation, follow the Western Challenge Facebook page .
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