University News
Spring Journalism Day at WIU March 26
March 20, 2001

MACOMB, IL -- An attorney specializing in legal and professional issues affecting the media will be the featured speaker at Western Illinois University's annual Spring Journalism Day Monday, March 26.
James Tidwell, who is also a journalism professor at Eastern Illinois University, will speak and lead a panel discussion on student press law and ethics beginning at 1 p.m. in the University Union Nauvoo Room. He has conducted numerous workshops, served as a panelist and made presentations at such events as the College Media Advisers/Associated Collegiate Press national conventions, Society of Collegiate Journalists national conventions, Illinois College Press Association conventions and the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications conventions.
Tidwell is the author of the book "Media Law in Illinois" and has written several articles appearing in such publications as the Illinois Bar Journal, The Illinois Publisher, Journal of Law and Education and College Media Review. His professional membership activities include chairing the law committee for the College Media Advisers Association and serving as co-chair for the Illinois State Bar Association Standing Committee on Media Law.
In 1998 Tidwell received the College Media Advisers Louis E. Inglehart First Amendment Award for "extraordinary, long-term contributions in support of the First Amendment."
Tidwell's Journalism Day presentation is co-sponsored by the Office of Student Activities Visiting Lectures Committee and the Western Courier student newspaper.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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