University News

Clow Appointed Interim Provost

June 28, 2021

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MACOMB/MOLINE, IL -- Billy Clow, dean of Western Illinois University's College of Fine Arts and Communication (COFAC), has been appointed interim provost and vice president for academic affairs, effective July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022. He previously served as interim provost from January 2019-January 2021. A search for the provost position will be launched this fall.

Martin Abraham will be reassigned to a faculty position, serving as a professor for WIU's School of Engineering. Abraham, who was originally hired as Western's new provost in 2019, had served as acting/interim president since July 2019, and as provost since January 2021.

"I would like to thank Dr. Abraham for his service to Western Illinois University. I would also like to extend my appreciation to Dean Clow for accepting the provost position for the 2021-2022 academic year. I look forward to working closely with him and the provost's team to continue to advance the University's academic agenda," WIU President Guiyou Huang said.

Clow has served as COFAC dean since July 1, 2012. Before joining WIU's College of Fine Arts and Communication, Clow served as the dean and a professor at University of Montevallo, and as the interim associate dean of the College of Liberal Studies and director of the School of Arts and Communication and chair of the department of theatre arts at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UWL), as well as a professor.

WIU COFAC Associate Dean Buzz Hoon has been named COFAC interim dean during Clow's appointment.

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