University News
ILETSB Executive Institute Hosting Annual Women in Criminal Justice Conference April 5-6
February 28, 2023

MACOMB, IL – The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board Executive Institute, based at Western Illinois University, will host its 13th annual Women in Criminal Justice Conference Wednesday-Thursday, April 5-6, featuring three speakers from the University's Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (LEJA) faculty.
The conference will be held at the Embassy Suites and Conference Center in East Peoria, IL.
WIU's School of LEJA Director Jill Myers and LEJA Professor Patricia Walton will deliver two sessions together: "Legal Updates—SAFE-T Act," and "Women and Professionalism in Criminal Justice." LEJA Professor Jamie Johnson will deliver a session titled, "Natural Disaster Threats Facing Law Enforcement Today. A Primer of Survival in the Field."
The conference's keynote speakers include Col. Brenda Dietzman (Ret.) of the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office, and Officer Ann Marie Carrizales, of the Meadows Police Department.
Dietzman has more than 28 years of law enforcement and corrections experience. She presents at local, state, national and international events in her areas of expertise of resilience, leadership, developing women leaders and leading generations. Dietzman retired from the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office in Wichita, KS, as the undersheriff in charge of jail operations. She oversaw two facilities, with a total population of more than 1,400 inmates, more than 300 employees and a $40 million budget.
In 2013, Officer Carrizales initiated a traffic stop on a vehicle occupied by three members of a violent gang, known as MS 13. While speaking with the driver, the suspect opened fire and shot her in the face and chest. The suspect vehicle fled, but Carrizales was able to get into her patrol vehicle and pursue the fleeing car. The suspects were later captured. Carrizales travels nationally and internationally speaking about her experience and bringing awareness to Post Traumatic Stress Injury and Post Traumatic Growth.
Last year's conference broke attendance records, with 300 attendees. This year's event will include more than 20 breakout sessions, covering topical areas like leadership, officer wellness, career survival and mentoring, resilience, investigatory techniques and emerging research like mass violence incidents.
The ILETSB Executive Institute, based on the north end of the WIU campus in Macomb, was founded in 1992, and is dedicated to developing leaders in the law enforcement community. The institute addresses challenges facing law enforcement administrators. Its mission is to provide professional development for supervisors, middle managers, and chiefs/sheriffs; education and training on emerging and current issues; conduct research; and provide technical assistance to law enforcement agencies.
For more information about the ILETSB Executive Institute, visit For more information about the conference, or to register for the event, visit
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