University News
College Scholars, Convocation Speaker Named
April 28, 2004

MACOMB, IL - - Seven students participating in Western Illinois UniversityÂ’s Spring 2004 Commencement Weekend Ceremonies May 7-9 have received the highest recognition from their college faculty for their overall academic excellence: six have been named College Scholars; one has been named the Academic Honors Convocation Speaker.
The 4 p.m. Friday, May 7 Academic Honors Convocation in Western Hall will honor College Scholars, Departmental Scholars, Honors Scholars and graduate candidates who have earned academic distinction throughout their Western Illinois career. Students receive a medallion for each honor, which they wear at Commencement ceremonies. In addition, College Scholars received a $150 cash award from the WIU Foundation.
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Jason Orris |
Jason Orris (Macomb, IL), the College of Arts and Sciences Scholar, is the most highly decorated May 2004 graduate, earning Summa Cum Laude academic distinction and being named an Honors Scholar and the Physics Departmental Scholar. He participated in WesternÂ’s Illinois Centennial Honors College, majored in physics and earned minors in general business, mathematics and military science. He is a four-year member of the Illinois National Guard, commissioned a U.S. Army second lieutenant in May 2004 and a three-year student researcher in physics Professor Mark S. BoleyÂ’s laboratory.
Among his outstanding accomplishments and awards are:
• 2004 Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship – Orris, Western’s seventh consecutive PKP Fellowship recipient, is among 60 students nationwide to earned the $5,000 scholarship toward post-graduate study. This fall Orris will begin working toward a master’s degree in physics and a master of business administration. He plans to continue on toward a Ph.D. in business administration at the University of Missouri to teach at the college level.
• USA Today 2004 All-USA College Academic Team Honorable Mention. Orris is the third Western student to earn USA Today recognition.
• 2004 College of Arts and Sciences Student Council Honorary Recognition Award in natural sciences and mathematics.
• 2003 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Honorable Mention – the premier national undergraduate award in the field of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering.
• 2003 General James M. Rockwell, Jr. Scholarship – a national scholarship awarded to the most outstanding ROTC cadet in a scientific field.
"My relationships with professors at this university have not only shaped my undergraduate education, but have also changed my plans,” Orris said. “In particular, Dr. (Mark) Boley has greatly contributed to my collegiate experience. His active involvement and guidance have shaped my education, professional direction and future."
Jason is the son of James and Denise Orris of Macomb.
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Jeremy Gwillim |
Jeremy Gwillim (Shipman, IL), the College of Business and Technology Scholar, majored in both finance and accountancy, and was named Departmental Scholar in both disciplines. He participated in numerous honorary and professional organizations including Delta Sigma Pi professional business fraternity; Sigma Iota Epsilon National Honorary and Professional Management Fraternity; Beta Gamma Sigma, the honor society for collegiate schools of business; and Beta Alpha Psi, accountancy honorary and professional fraternity.
Gwillim, who also tutored fellow students to help them achieve academic success, gained “an invaluable experience” as a Summer 2003 intern at MB Financial Bank in Chicago, working in commercial real estate loans. Upon graduating, he has been hired as a staff auditor with McGladrey & Pullen, LLP (Springfield, IL).
“One of my favorite things about Western is the small class sizes, as well as the attentiveness of the professors,” Gwillim said. “I have also been consistently impressed with the high caliber of professors that Western employs; in particular, the accounting professors I have had have been exceptional.”
Jeremy is the son of Jerry and Kathy Gwillim of Shipman.
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Joshua Sprague |
Joshua Sprague (Auburn, IL), the College of Fine Arts and Communication Scholar, majored in broadcasting, with minors in management and in recreation, park and tourism administration. The Broadcasting Departmental Scholar with Summa Cum Laude academic distinction, Sprague worked four years in WesternÂ’s Curriculum Library, served three years in Student Judicial Programs, participated in Inter-Hall Council government and volunteered with area childrenÂ’s activity programming and environmental projects. He also earned induction into Phi Kappa Phi, Golden Key International and National Scholars Honor Society.
“My academic interest in management is servant leadership and learning to lead with soul. My interests in recreation, park and tourism administration come from my love of the outdoors and helping children to improve their lives,” Sprague said.
Through his major Sprague received hands-on experience in all aspects of broadcasting - - reporter, photographer, news anchor, camera operator and directing - - which helped him secure a Summer 2004 internship as assistant news producer at WTVW-Fox 7 News in Evansville, IN.
“It is humbling to think about being named the College Scholar. I’ve had a lot of help from God, my family and my friends to get me where I am at in my life today. And I’ve had guidance throughout my time at Western by my advisers, my teachers, my co-workers and my peers,” Sprague added.
Josh is the son of Larry and Cheryl Sprague of Auburn.
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Katrina Sprengelmeyer |
Katrina Sprengelmeyer (Evanston, IL), the College of Education and Human Services Scholar, majored in dietetics and minored in management, participated in WesternÂ’s Illinois Centennial Honors College, served on professional and University organizations, wrote nutrition articles for the Western Courier school newspaper and volunteered in the community during her Western tenure.
The Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar and Summa Cum Laude graduate was a two-year research assistant in WesternÂ’s Bella Hurst Diabetes Center, participated in WesternÂ’s Student Alumni Council, was a four-year member of the Student Association for Nutrition Education, worked as a tutor and assisted with numerous community food drives. Sprengelmeyer earned induction into Phi Kappa Phi, Golden Key International and Kappa Omicron Nu honor societies. She plans on attending graduate school, becoming a registered dietician and working in a community or public health agency before pursuing a doctorate to teach at the collegiate level.
“Being named College Scholar means that I have been recognized for my academic achievements as well as my involvement in school and community groups. For this recognition I am extremely grateful,” Sprengelmeyer said. “I do not think that the individualized attention that I received at WIU or the close relationships that I have formed with my classmates and professors could be replicated at any school that I attend in the future.”
Katrina is the daughter of Louise and Thomas Sprengelmeyer of Evanston.
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Sarah Swanson |
Sarah Swanson (Arlington Heights, IL), WesternÂ’s Illinois Centennial Honors College Scholar, majored in philosophy, with minors in English and psychology. She earned Summa Cum Laude academic distinction and was named an Honors Scholar and the Philosophy Departmental Scholar. Swanson served as president of the Student Honors Association and the Associated Students of Philosophy, was a student representative to the College of Arts and Sciences grade appeals panel, sang in WesternÂ’s Concert Choir, wrote editorials for the Western Courier student newspaper and participated in numerous campus and community service projects.
Swanson will attend the University of Southern California, with a full-tuition/fee waiver and living stipend, in pursuit of a doctorate in philosophy.
“My ultimate goal is to teach philosophy at the university level and introduce a love of learning in a new generation of thinkers as it was given to me by my philosophy professors,” she said.
“I graduated high school four years ago without honors and without direction, but I found my calling here at Western, and now have the distinction of being called a Scholar among scholars,” Swanson added.
Sarah is the daughter of Catherine Swanson and Rodney Swanson, both of Arlington Heights.
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Larry Tingley |
Larry Tingley (Macomb, IL), WesternÂ’s School of Extended Studies (SES) Scholar, has been recognized for his work toward the Board of Trustees-Bachelor of Arts (BOT-BA) degree, a personalized program of study designed especially for nontraditional students who are placebound by work and family responsibilities. He knows the program well, from both a student and professional standpoint, since he is an admissions and records officer the BOT-BA program office.
While working fulltime at Western and fulfilling volunteer roles as a parent for West Prairie High School, Tingley attended classes and earned induction into Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Sigma Lambda and Golden Key International honor societies. He also has taken an active role in the Illinois Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (IACRAO) professional organization.
Tingley will begin WesternÂ’s instructional technology and telecommunications masterÂ’s degree program in Fall 2004, with special interest in distance learning and marketing.
“The instructors enable the student to think outside the box and provide the opportunity for the nontraditional student to bring their experience and maturity into the learning experience,” Tingley said. “I have found the opportunities to study both through independent study and the World Wide Web an important foundation to my degree.”
LarryÂ’s wife, Anita, is an administrative secretary in the vice president for administrative services office at Western. Their son, Tyler, is a writer for the Macomb Eagle and is working toward his BOT/BA degree. Their daughter, Amanda, will being her Western career this fall as a traditional freshman.
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Laura Watson |
Laura Watson (Macomb, IL), a member of Western’s Illinois Centennial Honors College, will speak at the Academic Honors Convocation. A music performance major and Spanish minor, Watson’s speech is titled “‘You Shall Know Our Velocity’: Ready to Jump into the Unknown.”
“I hope to offer insight as to how we as graduates can use our undergraduate experience at Western to face the challenges that lie ahead of us, and learn to make decisions and solve problems as independent thinkers who use the resources available to our best advantage,” said Watson, who earned Summa Cum Laude academic distinction and was named an Honors Scholar and Departmental Scholar in both music and Spanish.
A flutist, Watson performed with WesternÂ’s major ensembles and participated in numerous competitive events, placing as a finalist in the Skokie Valley Symphony Orchestra Young ArtistÂ’s Competition (2003) and winning the WIU Concerto Competition (2002) and the St. Louis Area Sigma Alpha Iota Competition (2002). She also was the masterclass winner at several flute festivals, including WIU, Eastern Illinois University, Kansas City and Millikin University. Swanson also earned induction into Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi and Golden Key International academic honor societies and served as WesternÂ’s o rchestra president.
Watson will attend WesternÂ’s graduate music program before going on to law school.
“I eventually want to practice law,” she said. “I plan to continue playing the flute and performing music, but most likely for my own enjoyment.”
“I am honored to have been chosen the Academic Honors Convocation speaker from among a highly competitive group of candidates,” she added. “I think it will be a wonderful opportunity for me to put my public speaking skills to the test, and will be a beneficial learning experience for my career as a lawyer.”
Laura is the daughter of Dean and Deborah Watson of Macomb.
Departmental and Honors Scholars recognized at the Academic Honors Convocation include the following, by county and hometown:
Champaign [61822] - - Brent Scott Wikgren, History Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar
Bartlet [60103] - - Anthony A. Crespo, History, Honors Scholar
[60608] - - Marianne Carden, of the 2800 block of S. Eleanor St., Elementary Education, Honors Scholar
[60634] - - Kevin Miszala, of the 6200 block of W. Warwick Ave., Physical Education, Departmental Scholar
[60638] - - Jill OÂ’Farrell, of the 5500 block of S. McVicker Ave., Social Work Departmental Scholar
Lansing [60438] - - Lisa E. Burgess, Accountancy, Honors Scholar
Northbrook [60062] - - Sarah Gabrielle Cross, Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality, Honors Scholar
Oak Forest [60452] - - Michelle L. Karnia, Elementary Education, Honors Scholar
Park Ridge [60068] - - Jason K. Blachut, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration Departmental Scholar
Skokie [60077] - - Lauren S. Ogata, Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration Departmental Scholar
Streamwood [60107] - - Karla P. Cortez, Biology, Honors Scholar
Carol Stream [60188] - - Leslie Anne Shambo, English, Honors Scholar
Elmhurst [60126] - - Eva Marie Zellman, Mathematics Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar
Naperville [60540] - - Jason Eric Paral, Political Science Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar; J. Zach Zigterman, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Honors Scholar
Wheaton [60187] - - Michelle Lauren Fratamico, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar
Cuba [61427] - - Ryan G. Twitchell, Political Science, Honors Scholar
Table Grove [61482] - - Sadie Ruth Luper, Agriculture Departmental Scholar
Bowen [62316] - - Kristina Sue Henry, Elementary Education Departmental Scholar; Kelly Raye Waner, Psychology Departmental Scholar
Carthage [62321] - - Jennifer Lynn Hartweg, Individual Studies Departmental Scholar
Nauvoo [62354] - - Kenneth Lee Haas, Instructional Technology and Telecommunications Departmental Scholar
Plymouth [62367] - - Ryan Russell Dowacter, Computer Science Departmental Scholar
Warsaw [62379] - - Cynthia D. Brownlee, Biology, Honors Scholar; John Nelson Hauk, Economics (Bachelor of Arts) Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar
Alpha [61413] - - Jeffrey L. Paul, Community Health Departmental Scholar
Kewanee [61443] - - Miranda Lynn Peed, Communication, Honors Scholar
Galena [61036] - - Joshua Michael Reese, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Honors Scholar
Saint Charles [60174] - - Lauren Wiens, Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality, Honors Scholar
Newark [60541] - - Brittany A. Berry, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Honors Scholar
Yates City [61572] - - Kevin Bradley Sprecher, Management Departmental Scholar
Beach Park [60099] - - Nathan D. Hucker, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Honors Scholar
Lake Zurich [60047] - - James Marcus Boge, Manufacturing Engineering Technology Departmental Scholar
Winthrop Harbor [60096] - - Aaron Timothy Egan, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Honors Scholar
Pontiac [61764] - - Erin Brooke Simpson, Biology, Honors Scholar
Lincoln [62656] - - Lukas N. Windham, Music, Honors Scholar
Blandinsville [61420] - - Jill R. Thompson, Health Services Management Departmental Scholar; Andrea Gillian Turner, Biology, Honors Scholar
Bushnell [61422] - - Jessica Anne Ruppert, Chemistry Departmental Scholar
Macomb [61455] - - Andy M. Brehm, Geology Departmental Scholar; Clara M. Carrigan, WomenÂ’s Studies Departmental Scholar; Diane Davis Hutcheson, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Honors Scholar; Kevin Johnson, Biology, Honors Scholar; Matthew Myers, Art (BFA) Departmental Scholar; Tara L. Reagor, Finance, Honors Scholar; Kelly L. Rider, History, Honors Scholar; Derek McGuire Roe, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Honors Scholar; Gregory Murphy Sollenberger, Phsyics, Honors Scholar; Christopher M. Thomas, History, Honors Scholar; Laura Leigh Watson, Music, Honors Scholar; Joseph L. Wenskunas, Political Science, Honors Scholar
New Boston [61272] - - Jennifer Erin Neeld, Graphic Communication Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar
Franklin [62638] - - Amanda Margaret Bergschneider, Dietetics Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality, Honors Scholar
Bartonville [61607] - - Barry James Dunne, Information Management Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar
Chillicothe [61523] - - Jill M. Kelly, Marketing Departmental Scholar; Joseph Anderson McKay, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Honors Scholar
Peoria [60605] - - Tracey A. Alexander, English, Honors Scholar
Moline [61265] - - Brian J. McConnell, Special Education Departmental Scholar; Laura Ann Oliva, English, Honors Scholar
Belleville [62220] - - Matthew C. Renner, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Honors Scholar
Sherman [62684] - - James Daniel Woolard, Finance, Honors Scholar
Springfield [62702] - - Brittany Irene Frisbie, Communication Sciences and Disorders Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar
Camden [62319] - - Amber Nicole Peak, Sociology Departmental Scholar
Tremont [61568] - - Jenelle Nicole Boo, Psychology, Honors Scholar
Indianola [61850] - - Angel M. Marrow, Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, Honors Scholar
Plainfield [60544] - - Sandra M. Jarzab, Geography Departmental Scholar
Romeoville [60446] - - Jennifer A. Maddox, English Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar
Rockford [61107] - - Nicholas G. Hoffman, Computer Science, Honors Scholar
Benson [61516] - - April Louis Wilcoxen, Graphic Communication, Honors Scholar
Bettendorf [52722] - - Laura Jane Hall, Communication Departmental Scholar; Sean Lawrence Raney, Economics (Bachelor of Business) Departmental Scholar, Samantha Mock, Jounalism Departmental Scholar
Donnellson [52625] - - Robyn R. Salata, Dietetics, Fashion Merchandising and Hospitality, Honors Scholar
Fort Madison [52627] - - Timothy Vanginkel, Art Departmental Scholar
Lucas [50151] - - Sandi Lynn Fogle, Clinical Laboratory Science Departmental Scholar
Mediapolis [52637] - - Amanda Sue Muhlenbruck, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Honors Scholar
West Burlington [52655] - - Landon Lee Mitchell, Meteorology Departmental Scholar
Plymouth [48170] - - Ethan Nathaniel Mosley, Biology Departmental Scholar, Honors Scholar
Ballwin [63011] - - Caitlin S. Freeman, Political Science, Honors Scholar
El Paso [79912] - - Melanie Lauren Casner, Communication, Honors Scholar
Berlin - - Friederike Kaufel, English, Honors Scholar
Osaka - - Makiko Mizohata, Human Resource Management Departmental Scholar
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