University News
2006 COEHS Awards
September 25, 2006

MACOMB, IL – Western Illinois University’s College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) recognized several faculty members for their outstanding contributions to the University at its annual opening school reception Aug. 28.
Mary Jensen, a special education professor, was named the COEHS 2006 Teacher of the Year. Jensen has taught at Western since 1990. The co-author of “Gangs: Straight Up, Straight Talk,” Jensen’s area of specialization is behavioral disorders and learning problems. Before joining WIU’s faculty, she was a special education teacher in Wisconsin.
“When asked about the best part of being a teacher, I always say ‘the students.’ They come first, and my goal as a teacher is to inspire every student in my classes to be the most competent, effective teacher possible,” Jensen said. “I want my students to aspire to be the kind of teachers whom students call their favorite. I believe that when I teach my classes with patience and kindness, and use fun and interesting educational methods, my students are more likely to be motivating and effective teachers themselves.”
Tim Piper, kinesiology assistant professor, received the COEHS 2006 Award for Outstanding Service. Piper joined WesternÂ’s faculty in 1992, teaching physical education classes specializing in strength training and conditioning.
“My first service experience in Macomb was helping with the local Salvation Army weight-training program. This experience has had such a profound impact on my own life that I actually turned down potential jobs elsewhere just so I could stay in Macomb and continue to volunteer my time, efforts and expertise,” Piper explained. “My upbringing also taught me the importance of serving our older population. This is something I try to instill in my students. As part of one of my classes, students are involved in service-learning, working with older adults in Macomb. Outside of class time I work with these students at such facilities as The Elms, MDH Day Health Services and Wesley Health Care. I feel it’s vital we instill a sense of giving in our future generations.”
Bonny Mhlanga, assistant professor of law enforcement and justice administration, received the 2006 COEHS Outstanding Scholarly/Professional Activity Award for his international contributions to the understanding of criminality rates. Mhlanga, who came to WIU in 2004, has been involved in high profile research designed to measure criminality rates of those serving a prison sentence or a community penalty, such as probation. Prior to joining WIUÂ’s faculty, he was a senior research officer with the United Kingdom Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate.
“Until the survey on criminality rates, very little research had been conducted to relate estimates of crime to factors such as one’s lifestyle, conviction history, type of offense committed, as well as demographic factors. The research experience I have gained has been extremely valuable as I use it in the classroom,” Mhlanga said. “I tend to apply these experiences and skills with an international emphasis as well, and I believe my students appreciate that.”
Counselor Education (CNED) Professor Bill McFarland and former CNED Associate Professor Richard Henriksen, Jr. were named the recipients of the 2006 Award for Innovative Use of Technology based on their CD project, “Professional and Ethical Issues in Counseling: A Practical Approach,” which was developed to train CNED graduate students in ethical decision-making. McFarland joined the WIU counselor education department in 1989. Prior to that he was a school counselor in Pennsylvania for eight years.
“This project continues our efforts to draw upon and incorporate current and emerging technologies to present current material, challenge students to think more complexly and conduct assessments of student learning in these courses,” McFarland explained. “During the past three years we have sought to increase students’ proficiency with technology by incorporating Internet-based resources in and out of the classroom and requiring students to make use of technology applications in their classroom presentations.”
Health Sciences Professor Fetene Gebrewold received the 2006 Excellence in Multicultural Teaching Award for his involvement with the Summer 2005 Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program to Ethiopia. The project seminar in Ethiopia provided a five-week study abroad experience for 12 Illinois K-12 educators, led by Gebrewold and Carolyn Ward, a professor in WesternÂ’s educational and interdisciplinary studies department. He joined the Western faculty in 1995 after working at St. Cloud State University (MN).
“The preparation of teachers is one of this University’s major missions. The website created by this Fulbright experience is now used in the educational and interdisciplinary studies pre-professional education sequence that is required for teacher education candidates,” Gebrewold stated. “The curriculum materials that resulted from our study abroad trip increases student awareness of cultural issues, demonstrates the importance of cultural issues in education and provides a model for interdisciplinary collaboration.”
The law enforcement and justice administration (LEJA) delegation to Russia, which was comprised of LEJA faculty Stephen Reinhart, Clyde Cronkhite, Terry Mors, Dennis Bowman, Ken Durkin and Vladimir Sergevnin, received the 2006 Excellence in Internationalizing the Campus Award for establishing an academic relationship with St. Petersburg University in Russia.
According to the delegation, the agreement provides opportunities for faculty and student exchanges, internships and research.
“These educational initiatives between WIU and St. Petersburg University will significantly contribute to the internationalization of Western and will help foster strong relations with a country that has strategic importance for the United States,” said Reinhart.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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