University News
Traveling Art Exhibit at Malpass Library
March 19, 2007

MACOMB, IL -- A traveling art exhibit focusing on local art and architecture will be on display in the Western Illinois University Leslie F. Malpass Library Monday, March 26 through April 6 as part of an Illinois State Library grant program.
According to WIU Libraries Dean Phyllis Self, the Malpass Library was the recipient the grant, which has allowed the University library to display the "Art and Architecture in Illinois Libraries" exhibit.
As part of the program, WIU instructional design and technology graduate student Shailendra Verma from Nepal, in cooperation with WIU Librarian Brian Clark, has created a documentary of Jo Sanders, a weaver from Macomb and emeritus professor of art, warping the Thought Products Cassandra Loom, which is housed in the Malpass Library. Verma's documentary will be shown from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 28 in the first level of the Malpass Library.
As part of the exhibit, various local artists have also been asked to display their works at the Malpass Library March 26 through the end of April, Self added.
The "Art and Architecture in Illinois Libraries" exhibit, funded by an Illinois State Library LSTA grant, was created by Allen Lanham and Marlene Slough of Eastern Illinois University's Library. Assisted by a team of research assistants, they spent much of Summer 2006 traveling throughout the state visiting libraries where they photographed art and architecture. They also documented information related to the art collections, as well as architectural and library histories.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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