University News
35th Annual Performance Tested Bull Sale Sets Record Average
March 22, 2007

MACOMB, IL -- The 35th annual Western Illinois University Bull Test Sale, which was held
March 16 at the WIU Livestock Center, set a record average, according to Ken Nimrick, WIU agriculture associate professor and co-manager of Western's bull test station.
According to Nimrick, 36 buyers from three states took home 43 rugged, thick-made, high performance bulls at a record average price of $1,947.
"There were a number of repeat buyers attesting to the success that producers are achieving with bulls out of this sale," Nimrick added.
The top-indexing bull overall breed was an Angus consigned by Blue Ridge Cattle LLC of Monticello (IL) that sold for $2,500. This bull was second in the ADG category at 5.01 and third in feed efficiency with 4.88. Topping the sale and the Angus consignment at $3,300 was the fourth high indexing entry of K-Sha-K Farm of Milan (IL) that gained 4.61 and posted a 4.86 feed conversion. The top-gaining bull at 5.07 and third high indexing bull overall, consigned by Strawson Angus of Wilmington (IL) sold at $3,200.
The top Red Angus entry consigned by Ron Claussen of Bettendorf, IA brought $1,900. This son of HCFA Mr. Stoneman 226 gained 4.91, was first in feed conversion at 4.85 and was the second high indexing bull overall.
The top-indexing and selling Simmental was the entry of Darin Smith of Alexander (IL) that gained 4.19, converted at 5.56, and brought $2,400. Top-selling and selling composite at $2,400 was a Simmental-Angus entry from Jess Range of Greenfield (IL).
The top-indexing Gelbvieh was an entry from Hickory Springs Ranch of Dunlap (IL) going for $1,700. This bull posted a 4.34 gain and a feed efficiency of 5.77. The top-selling Gelbvieh bull at $2,950 was another black Gelbvieh consigned by Fecht Cattle Company of Carthage (IL).
"Breeders are encouraged to enter their top bull prospects next year," said Bruce Engnell, director of Western's Livestock Center and co-manager of the bull test. "We hope that that we can continue to build upon the reputation of the WIU tested bull sale as a source of top quality performance-tested genetics."
For more information on entering a bull in the 2007-2008 test, contact the WIU agriculture department at 309/298-1080. Information on next year's test will also be available at a later date at
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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