University News
Pre-K Science Education Update
April 18, 2007

MACOMB, IL – Western Illinois University's Maurice G. Kellogg Science Education Center in the curriculum and instruction department and the College of Education and Human Services will host the 21st annual PreK-8 Science Education Update Conference from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday, April 20 on the WIU-Macomb campus.
Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. in Horrabin Hall. According to Don Powers, director of the Kellogg Science Education Center and conference coordinator, more than 125 elementary and middle school teachers from west central Illinois and eastern Iowa are expected to attend and participate in more than 20 laboratory activity sessions and demonstrations.
Among the presenters and topics for the 2007 conference are: Betsy Hommel and Medina Stauffer-Chuvala, "Children's Literature in Science: New Releases;" Carol Van De Walle and Kathleen Hartzler, "Mealworm Activities for All Students;" Patricia Franzen, "Fermilabyrinth & Fermilab SIMply Prairie;" Tom McKinney, Paul Hansen and Tracy Masamoto, "Classroom Cubed;" Chelsea Dean, "Science in Your Shopping Cart;" Brian Poelker, "The Watermelon Lab;" Pat Sullivan, "Pond Critter Collecting & Observing;" Mary McMahon and Ralph Irish, "Gourds in the Classroom;" Steve Hoffman, "Archaeological Dig-Indiana Jones and the Temple of Snoop;" Redina Herman, "Teaching Hazardous Weather Awareness;" Becky Jaramillo, "Explore Science with NASA: We're Not Just Space Anymore!"; Corinne Mueller, "Introductions to FOSS Middle School Chemical Interactions Module;" Susan Docherty, "Making a Worm Farm-Vermi Composting;" Cindy McGrew, "No Fun Left Behind: Inclusion Strategies for the Primary Classroom;" Harry Hendrickson, "Living Buffers and Students: Trees, Water and Your Students;" Kent Buckrop, "Integrating Science and Math with Graphing Calculators;" Tracy Trimpe, "Forensic Science;" Cristine Purdy, "Under Construction-Technology Activities for the Classroom;" John Beaver, "Schoolyard Exploration with the Dandelion;" Jennifer Lichter, "Getting to Know Ladybugs;" Frances Steward, Dianna Goff and Georgia Melidis, "The Exciting World of Bubbles;" LaVerne Logan, "Water Cycle Concepts in a Petri Dish;" Allen Larson, "Discrepant Events;" Darin Christianson, "Gas in a Bag;" Kevin Finson, "Natural pH Indicators;" Jennifer Gamage, "Who Needs Their Thumbs Anyway?"; and Barbara Sandall, "Bernoulli Takes Flight."
Some of the scienc programs that may be included in the commercial displays include Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom (Illinois Farm Bureau), Flinn Scientific, MicroTech Microscope Sales & Service, The Scope Shoppe, Delta Science, Copperfield's Book Service, Tri-County Resource & Waste Management Council, Carolina Biological Supply and Curriculum, Illinois Department of Natural Resources-Division of Education, Peace of Earth Environmental Learning Center, Trees Forever and Usborne Books. A number of science curriculum door prizes will be awarded to teachers attending this meeting.
Outstanding classroom teachers have also been invited to share instructional strategies and science laboratory activities with their peers.
For more information contact Powers at 309/298-1258 or
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