University News
LEJA Students Show Their Creative Side for the Good of the Community
April 23, 2007

MACOMB, IL – Western Illinois University law enforcement and justice administration (LEJA) students in Jennifer Allen's Juvenile Justice class have a flair for art … and bowling.
During the spring semester, Allen charges her students with decorating bowling pins for the McDonough County Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) annual Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser, which occurs in the fall. Each year, the local organization solicits volunteers to decorate bowling pins, which are donated by Digger's College City Bowl in Macomb, for the Bowl for Kids Sake "Pins on Parade" event. The pins – which range from "Homer Simpson" to a "Pepsi bottle" to a "lamp" – are then displayed in the community and sold via silent auction, with all proceeds going toward the BBBS mentoring program.
According to Tim Hallinan, director of the McDonough County organization, Allen's three Juvenile Justice classes are by far the largest group of volunteers providing decorated pins to support the mentoring program.
"Dr. Allen and her students deserve recognition and praise for their volunteer efforts," Hallinan said. "Dr. Allen's students are creative and we always look forward to receiving their pins. Last year, our 'Pins on Parade' raised more than $1,200 for the organization. We would like to thank all the talented volunteers who take the time to decorate these pins for this worthy cause."
Allen said the project was a natural for her students since her course focuses on issues pertaining to juveniles, the very clientele that BBBS serves.
"I am so proud of my students for volunteering their time and efforts to Big Brother Big Sisters," Allen added. "They really enjoy the project once they get started on it. I'm always amazed at the ideas they come up with. I really hope the pin auction is as much of a success as it was last year."
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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