University News
Reception for Linda Tomlinson
September 13, 2007

MACOMB, IL -- A farewell reception will be held Friday, Sept. 28 for Linda Tomlinson, the director of Western Illinois University's Center for the Preparation of Education Professionals (CPEP) in the College of Education and Human Services.
Tomlinson has recently accepted a position as assistant superintendent for school support services for all schools for the Illinois State Board of Education. The reception will be held from 2-4 p.m. in Horrabin Hall 1. The public is welcome to attend.
Tomlinson was appointed CPEP director in July 2005. Prior to being named center director, Tomlinson served as chair of the WIU special education department. She had been the University's certification officer and director of the college's advising center since January 1990.
"We wish Dr. Tomlinson the best of luck in her new position," said COEHS Dean Bonnie Smith-Skripps. "Her efforts with Western's teacher education program, as well as her leadership and administrative experience, combined with her work on state education boards, served both the college and the University well. She will be missed at WIU; however, we do know that pre-K-12 schools and teacher preparation programs across the state will benefit from her leadership at the state board."
Tomlinson has worked extensively with the Illinois State Board of Education on issues related to certification and program approval. She chairs state accreditation review teams and trains team members. She served six years on the State Teacher Certification Board and currently serves on the executive board for the Illinois Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (IACTE), serving as the chair of the certification committee. Tomlinson serves as a member of the Higher Education Advisory Board for the Department of Educational Administration and Foundations at Illinois State University, and served as a member of an Illinois State Board of Education Task Force to Streamline the Preparation Program Review Process.
Tomlinson received her bachelor's degree from Western, her master's degree from Phillips University and her Ph.D. from Illinois State University.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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