University News
Carson Named COEHS Assistant Dean
October 24, 2007

MACOMB, IL -- Rori Carson has been named the assistant dean of Western Illinois University's College of Education and Human Services (COEHS), according to COEHS Dean Bonnie Smith-Skripps.
Carson has served as the University's special education department chair since January 2006 and as the interim department chair for counselor education from May 2006 to June 2007. She came to WIU in December 2005 as a special education professor from the University of Northern Iowa, where she served as a professor and associate dean/director of teacher education. She has also taught special education at Eastern Illinois University, as well as in the Macomb and Colchester school districts.
As assistant dean, Carson will oversee the Center for the Preparation of Education Professionals (CPEP), as well as supervise all aspects of undergraduate degree programs within the 13-department College of Education and Human Services. She will manage all aspects of teacher education accreditation, while overseeing accreditation processes within numerous COEHS academic units, pre-K-12 partnership activities and initiatives, coordinating and assisting with undergraduate program reviews and coordinating and assisting with undergraduate curriculum development.
"Dr. Carson's experience as a faculty member and as an administrator, her involvement with state boards and her expertise in the accreditation processes will contribute to the college's leadership team," said COEHS Dean Bonnie Smith-Skripps.
Carson has served as a member of the NCATE/State Accreditation Steering Committee, the Professional Development School Task Force and as an at-large member of the Illinois Teacher Education Division for the Council for Exceptional Children. She has also coordinated Western's participation in the state-initiated grant program "Grow Your Own Teacher Education Initiative."
Carson received her bachelor's and master's degrees from Western and her Ph.D. from the University of Iowa.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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