University News
AAT Program Gets Transfer Education Students on Track
October 30, 2007

MACOMB, IL -- Community college students thinking about a career in education now have the opportunity to explore teacher education programs early in their educational experiences as the result of a new program, which debuted at Western Illinois University this fall.
The Illinois Board of Education and the Illinois Community College Board worked collaboratively with two- and four-year higher education institutions, including Western, and other agencies, to develop Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) degrees in special education, early childhood education, mathematics and science. The first student to graduate with an AAT is currently attending WIU.
According to College of Education and Human Services Dean Bonnie Smith-Skripps, faculty and administrators from Western have been involved with the AAT at various stages of development.
"Not only does this degree provide an early look at the education field, it's intended to encourage students to enter programs that will prepare them to teach in high need areas," Smith-Skripps added.
Students earning the AAT degree from a community college can transfer to Western and be admitted into the teacher education program at an equitable position as those who first enrolled at WIU in the same education program.
"The University will accept all four AAT degrees, and we have worked to make the transition into the appropriate program as seamless as possible for students," Smith-Skripps explained. "Students entering with the AAT degree will have completed specific coursework, field experiences and assessments, including passing the Illinois State Test of Basic Skills required of education students."
For more information on the AAT program at Western, contact the College of Education and Human Services at 309/298-1690 or the Center for the Preparation of Education Professionals at or 309/298-2117.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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