University News
WIU Employees Recognized for Service
May 1, 2008

MACOMB, IL - - Nearly 200 Western Illinois University employees were eligible to be recognized for years of service at the annual Employee Service Recognition Reception held on campus April 29. The ceremony honored employees with 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service; and six employees received community service and distinguished service awards.
Western's singular 40-year recipient, John Blauvelt from the geography department, was unable to attend the reception.
Marla Vizdal, library operations associate in Malpass Library Archives, and Matthew Clark, technology user support services, received the 2008 Community Service Awards, which included a certificate from the Office of Human Resources and a $250 stipend from the WIU Alumni Association.
Kathleen Neumann, chair of the computer science department; Charles "Chet" Derry, microcomputer coordinator, Malpass Library; Robert "Bob" Bahr, physical science technical assistant, chemistry; and Leslie Mose, office support associate, WIU-Quad Cities, received the 2008 Western Illinois University Recognition and Service Awards. This award included a certificate and a $250 stipend from the Office of Human Resources.
(Photo IDs)
Community and Distinguished Service Award Winners (l-r) – Charles Derry, Marla Vizdal, Leslie Mose, Kathleen Neumann and Matthew Clark.
25-Year Employees (seated l-r) – Cathy Dwyer, deputy director, physical plant; Robin Pittman, library specialist, Malpass Library; Debbie McDaniel, office support specialist, information systems and decision sciences department; and Donna Pestle, office support specialist, agriculture department; (standing l-r) – Brad Bainter, assistant director, Development; Michael Fimmen, professor, social work; Patrick Stout, academic adviser, communication/broadcasting department; and Ken Durkin, professor, law enforcement and justice administration department. Not pictured: Janice Owens, director, university scholarship activities; Alan Harris, associate vice president, student services, University Union administrative office; Warren Jones, chair, economics department; Shirley Stolp, office support specialist, accountancy department; and Dorie Vallillo, general manager, WIUM/WIUW Radio.
30-Year Employees (seated l-r) – Kim Clements, staff clerk, student development and orientation; Ann Curtis, faculty assistant, infant and preschool center; Clare Beadles, LPN II, Beu Health Center; (standing l-r) – Marcia Blackledge, manager, university information management systems; Stan Cunningham, association professor, law enforcement and justice administration department; Jerry Markley, chief broadcasting engineer, television services; and William Maakestad, professor, management department. Not pictured: Greg Beck, superintendent, and building service workers Janet Lindsey, Dennis Phillips and W. Lynnette Summers, building services; Iraj Kalantari, chair, mathematics department; Kenneth Thermon, manager, radio operations, WIUM/WIUW Radio; Debbie Wiley, office support specialist, political science department; Gerald Wilson, supervisor of building craftsmen, building maintenance; Mike Pendergast, athletic trainer, athletics; and Theresa Roegge, director, purchasing.
35-Year Employees (l-r) – Jean Fields, assistant director of clinical services, Beu Health Center; Eugene Mathes, professor, psychology; Dorothy Busby, office manager, financial aid. Not pictured: Charles Smith, instructor, English and journalism department; and Marla Parker, office support specialist, communication sciences and disorders.
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