University News
First Ed Leadership Doctoral Students to Graduate Dec. 20
December 1, 2008

MACOMB, IL -- Nine of the 22 members of the first student cohort in Western Illinois University's educational leadership doctoral program will walk across the stage at the Dec. 20 Commencement Exercises in Western Hall on the WIU-Macomb campus, marking the first doctorate degree recipients at Western.
The following students will participate in the 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 20 ceremony: Chad Allaman, superintendent, Central School District 51, Washington (IL); Lonna Anderson, director of curriculum and instruction, Oskaloosa (IA) Community Schools; Robert Dyer, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, Moline (IL) School District No. 40; David Gilliland, superintendent Stockton (IL) CUSD.
No. 206; Jay Marino, superintendent of Dunlap (IL) School District No. 323; Michael Oberhaus, associate superintendent for operations and quality, Rock Island (IL) School District No. 41; John Tignor, superintendent, Washington (IL) Grade School District No. 52; Vicki VanTuyle, retired superintendent and adjunct instructor in the educational leadership department; and Teresa VandeWiele, assistant principal of curriculum and assessment, United Township High School, East Moline (IL).
"These first graduates have demonstrated a strong commitment to academic excellence and high quality educational opportunities for all Pre-K-12 students through their coursework and research projects, which address the various challenges faced by 21st century schools," said College of Education and Human Services Dean Bonnie Smith-Skripps. "The remaining members of the first cohort are completing their dissertations, and are expected to finish their programs within the year. We are proud of the scholarship of the individuals who have enrolled in Western's first doctoral program and the leadership they are providing to Illinois and Iowa schools."
The first cohort of WIU doctoral degree students started with a class of 23 in August 2006, one year after the Higher Learning Commission-North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (HLC-NCA), the accrediting agency for colleges and universities, approved Western's Educational Doctorate (Ed.D.) degree in Educational Leadership for elementary and secondary school administrators in the greater western Illinois region.
The doctoral program coursework consists of 43 semester hours over a three-year time frame. The second cohort began in June 2007, while the third cohort began this June. As part of the program, each student works with a specific low-performing school/district in Western's service region as part of the program's partnership with public education.
"It's exciting to see nine of the students from the first cohort complete their degree," said Jess House, educational leadership chair. "We look forward to watching these committed professionals cross the stage at Commencement."
Additional information on the Ed.D. in educational leadership can be obtained from the department of educational leadership website at or by calling the department at (309) 298-1070.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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