University News
Heart Smart for Women Spring 2009 to Start Feb. 2
January 16, 2009

MACOMB, IL -- Health-related New Year's resolutions, though made with the best intentions, often hit the proverbial wall without commitment and knowledge. To help Western Illinois University women reach their health-related goals, WIU's department of dietetics, fashion merchandising and hospitality (DFMH) and Campus Recreation are offering female faculty, staff and students the 12-week lifestyle-change program "Heart Smart for Women Spring 2009" beginning Monday, Feb. 2.
Participating female Western students and employees will meet from 12-1:15 p.m. Mondays on: Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23; March 2, 9, 23, 30; and April 6, 13, 20, 27 in the Knoblauch Hall corporate dining room 239. Registration fee is $10 and interested parties can register in the Campus Recreation office between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or through campus mail by sending name, department/major, phone number, e-mail address and $10 registration fee to Campus Recreation; checks should be made out to "Campus Recreation." Phone registrations will not be accepted.
According to the program's coordinators, Heart Smart for Women Spring 2009 will help women discover ways to overcome barriers to physical activity and healthy eating; cover methods for setting goals to incorporate physical activity and healthy eating in a busy lifestyle; and provide information about stress-management strategies. Class size is small, so interested individuals are encouraged to register early.
Incentives offered in the program include:
- Information binder of resource materials from the Cooper Institute;
- Screenings for cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose and bone density;
- Step counter;
- Door prizes; and a
- Celebration party.
For more information about the Heart Smart program, contact Lorri Kanauss, DFMH associate professor, at (309) 298-1049 or For registration questions, contact Jody Zscheck in Campus Recreation at (309) 298-1228, ext. 222, or For more information about the Cooper Institute, visit
Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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