University News
"Help Wanted: Disco Skate, Four-Square Skills" -- WIU RPTA Students Get Hands-On Opportunities via Campus Recreation
September 8, 2009

MACOMB, IL -- Having activities such as disco skate and four-square tournament experience for many WIU recreation, park and tourism administration (RPTA) students is now a reality thanks to Western's Campus Recreation and RPTA department. For newly minted college grads heading into the recreation, leisure and/or tourism field, that résumé entry illustrating that he or she has assisted with special events (such as philanthropic recreational or sport tourneys or helped out with organizing a community-based activity) can demonstrate experience, as well as commitment and willingness to serve.
Through an informal training program, Nick Knowles, assistant director, sport clubs and facilities, at Western's Campus Recreation, in conjunction with faculty members in WIU's RPTA department, are providing RPTA students with a number of hands-on opportunities in special event planning. Not only does the program provide students with choice résumé content, but it also helps Campus Recreation organize and conduct stellar special events.
"For Moms' Weekend in Fall 2008, we held our own 'Amazing Race,' based on the television show format. Moms and their WIU sons or daughters made up the teams. RPTA students' planning help and efforts for that event was huge," Knowles explained. "We have also had students help us with disco skate and the trot for tots, which is a cold-weather walk/run event in December. In addition, we have had students help us with different sporting and activity tourneys, include four-square and golf tournaments," he added.
Winners All Around
Last year, when Knowles was in charge of planning and executing special events at Campus Recreation, he noted that the staff help he had access to was limited; more often than not, the only staff Campus Recreation had helping with special events was himself and a couple of special event graduate assistants, he said.
"Many of our events need a workforce anywhere from five to 20 additional workers, so that's where the relationship with the RPTA department has helped. Because I earned my bachelor's and master's degrees in RPTA, I know that getting experience with planning and conducting special events is essential to furthering your knowledge about what you want to do in that field. I approached the faculty in the department to see if they'd be interested in working with me to help out Campus Recreation and to give RPTA students the opportunity to gain some experience."
Knowles' approach has worked well; he noted the RPTA department's effort to help make these opportunities possible for students has been key to the success of the endeavor.
"Dr. Adkins, Dr. Doh and Dr. Lukkarinen have all been big supporters," he said. "They send many students our way. Our events are very tailored to the RPTA curriculum and to that field in general, so it's a win-win situation for everyone -- the students, faculty and staff members at WIU -- involved."
Knowles noted that while some his responsibilities at Campus Recreation have changed since last academic year, Dustin Van Sloten, assistant director of sports programs at Campus Recreation, will continue the program with RPTA students in Fall 2009 and Spring 2010.
Learn more about the WIU's Campus Recreation and its many offerings at Visit WIU's recreation, park and tourism administration department online at For more information about Moms' Weekend (Friday, Sept. 11 - Sunday, Sept. 13), see
Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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