University News
Deadlines Approaching for Study Abroad Spring Programs
September 28, 2009

MACOMB, IL - - Deadlines are approaching for students who may be interested in Spring 2010 study abroad programs. Western Illinois University's study abroad office, in the Center for International Studies (CIS), offers a variety of study abroad opportunities, some of which are led by WIU faculty members.
The Spring 2010 faculty-led programs include: Costa Rican Agriculture, Communication Around the "World," International Marketing and Fashion in Italy and Russian Agriculture.
The deadlines to register for the programs are as follows (with the program leader listed after each program):
Costa Rican Agriculture, Wednesday, Sept. 30, John Carlson, professor, School of Agriculture
Communication Around the "World," for Honors students, Friday, Oct. 16, Dave Zanolla, instructor, communication department
International Marketing and Fashion in Italy, Friday, Oct. 23, Craig Conrad, associate professor, marketing and finance department, and Susan Creasey, assistant professor, dietetics, fashion merchandising and hospitality department
Russian Agriculture, Monday, Nov. 2, John Carlson, professor, School of Agriculture
Travel dates are: Costa Rican Agriculture, Jan. 4-15; Communication Around the "World," March 10-17, Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando, FL; International Marketing and Fashion in Italy (Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome and Sorrento), March 11-21; and Russian Agriculture, March 10-21, Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Two more Spring 2010 semester programs are Lake Poets, Lake Effects and European Business Study, May 17-27, in England and France.
Undergraduate students must have a minimum 2.5 GPA along with clearance from Student Judicial Programs. Graduates must have been accepted into a WIU graduate program and submit a letter of support signed by an academic adviser and department chair. Hours completed varies based on the program.
The Costa Rican Agriculture program offers students the opportunity to better develop their social, political and economic awareness and understanding of current and emerging world issues, particularly sustainability and environment protection, by observing the agricultural methods used in this country.
The Communication Around the "World" program allows Honors students to get a look at three areas of communication: organizational, nonverbal and computer-mediated through first-hand experience, including experiencing tours and attractions.
The International Marketing and Fashion in Italy program explores multinational marketing and fashion merchandising by providing students with knowledge of how the marketing mix variables of product, price, place and promotion are combined to generate world-class products giving specific attention to merchandising, packaging, fashion trends and hospitality services.
Students involved in the Russian Agriculture program will be exposed to Russian agriculture through on-site visits of Russian farms, agribusinesses and agriculture academies. Participants will also have the opportunity to interact with students from Russian institutions of higher education.
The Lake Poets, Lake Effects is a close examination of the cultural and literary landscape of the Lake District in England, which gave rise to several literary greats during the Romantic period. These poets include Keats, Shelly, Byron, Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson and William Wordsworth. Through site visits, participants will gain a greater understanding of how physical, cultural, personal and political landscapes intertwine.
Students in the European Business Study program will experience life and work cultures different from the U.S. by visiting business enterprises, governmental organizations and cultural sites in London and Paris. British sites will include the Tower of London, Parliament, Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral. In Paris, students will visit IBM and other companies as well as Notre Dame, Versailles and the Eiffel Tower.
In addition, Summer 2010 programs being offered include: Art in New York City; WISE Mexico; Historical and Religious Sites of Japan; and Grand Canyon Summer Learning Experience. WISE Mexico offers nine semester hours, while the other programs offer three semester hours.
For more information about the faculty-led programs or any of the programs offered through Western's study abroad office, contact the study abroad office at (309) 298-2504 or email
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