University News
"Privacy: Who Cares?": Dec. 2 Panel Discussion to Address Privacy in Post 9/11 World
November 23, 2009

MACOMB, IL -- A panel discussion that will address privacy issues is slated for 12 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 2 on Western Illinois University's Macomb campus, at the Leslie F. Malpass Library, room 180. Sponsored by University Libraries, "Privacy: Who Cares?" will cover the relationship of privacy and the use of social networking, computer technology and the World Wide Web in a post-September 11, 2001, world. The discussion will be "centered on one of the most important aspects affecting our democracy: personal privacy after 9/11," said T.J. Urbanski, associate dean of University Libraries.
Other panelists include Jill Myers, associate professor in Western's School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (LEJA), and Ryan Suthard, WIU junior and political science major who is also an Army reservist.
"Since the tragic events of 9/11 there have been several technological advancements, policy alterations and new laws that have strengthened our ability to combat terrorism, but have a profound effect on personal liberties," Myers noted.
Prior to coming to WIU, Myers earned her Juris Doctorate degree and served as a prosecutor in Baltimore (MD) for more than 20 years. As a state and SAUSA (Special Assistant United States Attorney) prosecutor, she served as the division chief of the Special Investigations Division that focused on employing wire, electronic and oral surveillance techniques to investigate major criminal organizations.
Urbanski is responsible for security at University Libraries and is an avid advocate for personal privacy.
Suthard, as an Army Reservist, brings together practical experience and a student's perspective to privacy issues.
For more information, contact Urbanski at (309) 298-2749 or
Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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