University News
Heart Smart for Women: Starts Feb. 1 for Western Students and Personnel
January 13, 2010

MACOMB, IL -- To help keep your health-related New Year's resolutions on track, female students and employees on Western Illinois University's Macomb campus can take advantage of "Heart Smart for Women: The 12-Week Lifestyle Change Program" designed specifically for female students and employees.
Sponsored by Campus Recreation and the dietetics, fashion merchandising and hospitality (DFMH) department at Western, the 12-week program will help participating women discover ways to overcome barriers to physical activity and healthy eating; set goals to incorporate physical activity and healthy eating into a busy lifestyle; and incorporate stress-management strategies into their lives.
Heart Smart for Women will run noon-1 p.m. or 4-5 p.m. every Monday beginning February 1 through April 26 (with the exception of Monday, March 15, during WIU's spring break). Cost is $10 to reserve a spot in the program; space is limited; and program registration ends Wednesday, Jan. 27.
The program will offer incentives, including:
- information binder of resource materials from the Cooper Institute, an organization that focuses on health-related research and that has "more than 20 years of experience in designing, delivering and evaluating worksite health promotion programs" (;
- screenings for cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose and bone density;
- step counter;
- door prizes; and
- cooking demonstrations.
Benefits of the program include long-lasting health improvements and an opportunity to work with a personal trainer in the Brophy Hall Fitness Room.
To register for Heart Smart for Women, stop by the Campus Recreation Office in the Donald S. Spencer Student Recreation Center between 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Monday–Friday or contact Jody Zscheck at (309) 298-1228, ext. 222. For questions about the program, contact Lorri Kanauss, associate professor in the DFMH department, at (309) 298-1049 or
Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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