University News

As part of Western Illinois University Libraries' participation in the Illinois Library Association's "Snapshot Day: One Day in the Life of Illinois Libraries," and for a project for his advanced interactive multimedia class this semester, WIU instructional design and technology (IDT) major Corey Verisario (senior, St. Charles, IL) created the website "Snapshot Day 2010." You can see Verisario's work at

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A Day in the Life of a Library: IDT Student "Snapshot Day" Project Showcases University Libraries

April 30, 2010

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MACOMB, IL -- "I need information on autopsies" was one of the many requests presented to the librarians working at Western Illinois University Libraries' reference desk on February 10. On that date, WIU instructional design and technology (IDT) major Corey Verisario (senior, St. Charles, IL) collected information about reference questions, administered a survey to University Libraries' users, compiled information about the Libraries' services that patrons used, as well as recorded video interviews with WIU students and Libraries' faculty and staff, as part of a project for his advanced interactive multimedia course and as part of the Illinois Library Association's "Snapshot Day: One Day in the Life of Illinois Libraries." You can see the results of Verisario's work at

According to Jim West, associate professor in IDT at WIU, the purpose of the advanced interactive multimedia course (IDT 445) is to immerse students in a real-world project.

"They plan, design and manage the entire process, and at the same time, experience what it is like to work with actual clients," West said. "For this particular assignment, I matched students with their projects based on their interests and skills."

Dean of University Libraries Phyllis Self noted Verisario's Snapshot Day project enables visitors to see the Libraries' gate count for February 10, 2010, as well as the workshops hosted, items circulated and electronic databases utilized on that date. She noted the site also includes a link for visitors to send questions or comments about Snapshot Day, and it features photos of the various activities occurring on that date at University Libraries.

"Corey is the mastermind behind the design and layout of the entire Snapshot Day site. I think he did a wonderful job of presenting our statistics in a pleasing and informational manner. It is my hope the website gives a visual perspective of what takes place in University Libraries on any given day," Self said.

Verisario said he used Adobe's Dreamweaver and Photoshop software programs to create the website. The "About Snapshot Day" section of the site is designed to look like a book, and website visitors can get to the information Verisario collected by clicking on the "tabs" or "marks" placed "in" the book.

"During the whole process of creating the website, I found out a lot about University Libraries. It is not just another building on WIU's campus. To me, it's like a fully functioning society that helps people. The librarians and staff there take time out of their busy days to help students get the books they need or to get references that someone needs for a class," Verisario said.

Self added that 2010 was the first year that the ILA and WIU Libraries participated in Snapshot Day. According to the American Library Association (ALA), the concept originated as an effort between the New Jersey Library Association and the New Jersey State Library. Soon after, many librarians in the U.S. started emulating the Snapshot Day event at their own libraries. Earlier this year, the ALA began making plans for Snapshot Day at a national level, in which the organization encouraged libraries across the U.S. to participate in April 2010.

"Library Snapshot Day provides a way for libraries of all types across a state, region, system or community to show what happens in a single day in their libraries," notes the ALA's website (see

"While Corey's data was collected in February, we've been able to make his website available to WIU Libraries' users, and to the world, throughout April and beyond through his wonderful website project," Self said.

Check out Verisario's Snapshot Day site at

For more information about University Libraries, contact Tammy Sayles, marketing and outreach librarian at (309) 298-3298 or For more information about Western's instructional design and technology program, contact the IDT office at (309) 298-1952 or Contact Verisario at or at (630) 675-0247.

Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing