University News
Undergraduate Research Day 2010 Winners
April 30, 2010

MACOMB, IL -- The Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day Committee at Western Illinois University is pleased to announce the winners of the 2010 Poster and Podium Awards Competition and extends its congratulations.
First Place -- Jennifer Leonhard (senior, psychology, Rushville, IL) with Sandra McFadden, associate professor, and Colin Harbke, assistant professor, psychology, "Being an Oddball Can Be a Good Thing: Using an Oddball Paradigm to Elicit the MMN and P300"
Second Place -- Aaron Heitz (senior, biology, Vermont, IL), with Sean Jenkins, associate professor, biology, "Survey and Monitoring of the Smooth Softshell Turtle (Apalone mutica)"
Third Place -- Alexander Foster (senior, psychology, Lincolnshire, IL) with Curtis Dunkel, assistant professor, psychology, "Discovering if the National Football League Does a Good Job of Evaluating Talent"
First Place -- Edward Bridge II (senior, information systems, Macomb, IL) with Jill Myers, associate professor, School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, "Utilizing Technology for Organizational Strategic Advantage"
Second Place -- Nicholas Winston (senior, communication/African American studies, Chicago, IL) with Jo-Ann Morgan, associate professor, African American studies, "Juxtaposition of Aaron McGruder within African American Artistic Movements"
Third Place -- Kristin Schramer (senior, psychology, Woodstock, IL) and Amy Jelinek (sophomore, psychology, Rockford, IL) with Kristine Kelly, professor, psychology, "What Am I Feeling? Gender Differences in the Need to Belong and Social Monitoring System Activation"
The winners received awards supported by the University Foundation.
The Thomas E. Helm Undergraduate Research Day Committee expresses its appreciation to Provost and Academic Vice President Jack Thomas, who established these prizes and to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Susan Martinelli-Fernandez, Dean of the College of Business and Technology Tom Erekson, Dean of the College of Education and Human Services Nick DiGrino, Dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication Paul Kreider and Dean of University Libraries Phyllis Self, who have been generous in their support.
For more information about WIU's Undergraduate Research Day, see
Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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