University News
Wigglesworth Named Kinesiology Dept. Chair
May 24, 2010

MACOMB, IL -- Janet K. Wigglesworth, associate dean at the Ithaca College (Ithaca, NY) Graduate and Clinical Services, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, has been named chair of the Western Illinois University Department of Kinesiology, effective July 1. Wigglesworth replaces Loran Erdmann, who has served in the department's interim chair position since July 1, 2009.
Wigglesworth has served as an associate dean at Ithaca since 2005. There, she has also served as interim assistant provost; assistant dean and acting assistant dean for Graduate and Clinical Services, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance (HSHP); and acting assistant dean for the Ithaca College Academic and Student Services, School of Health Sciences and Human Performance.
Wigglesworth has also served as: an associate and assistant professor in the Ithaca College Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences; the director of the Center for Educational Services at the National Institute for Fitness and Sport (Indianapolis, IN); an adjunct faculty member in the Indiana University Department of Kinesiology; an associate director of research and a biostatistician at the National Institute for Fitness and Sport (Indianapolis); a physical education instructor at the University of Wisconsin – Lacrosse, where she was also a field hockey coach (1979-84), badminton coach (1979-81) and softball coach (1981-84); and as the head badminton coach at Southern Illinois University – Carbondale (1977-78).
"Dr. Wigglesworth's breadth of experience has prepared her exceptionally well for the challenges of chairing a large and complex academic unit. She is a strong proponent of quality instruction that incorporates faculty and student research," said Dean of the College of Education and Human Services Nick DiGrino.
Wigglesworth is a member of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance; American College of Sports Medicine; the National Council on Measurement in Education; and the United States Badminton Association. She holds a black belt in karate (Wasin-ryu style, since 2008); was a participant in the HERS Management Institute for Women in Higher Education; and was named to the University of Wisconsin - Lacrosse Athletic Hall of Fame in 1990.
She earned her Ph.D. in 1992 from Indiana University (major emphasis: applied statistics; minor emphasis: exercise physiology); her M.S. in physical education from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1980; and her B.S. in physical education in 1977 from the University of Wisconsin – Lacrosse.
For more information, contact Dana Moon, director of marketing and community relations in the College of Education and Human Services, at (309) 298-1690 or Learn more about the WIU Department of Kinesiology at
Posted By: Teresa Koltzenburg (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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