University News
WIU Libraries to Host Forensics Exhibit and Speaker Series Oct. 15-Nov. 15
October 11, 2010

MACOMB, IL -- Western Illinois Universities' physical sciences library will host the 2010 Forensics Exhibit and Speaker Series from Friday, Oct. 15 through Monday, Nov. 15 in the physical sciences library branch located in Currens Hall 201 on the WIU-Macomb campus.
According to Kathleen Clauson, unit coordinator of the physical sciences library, the exhibit and all speaker events will take place in the physical sciences library, unless otherwise noted. She added the forensics exhibit will include unique glimpses into forensic science and crime scene investigation (CSI) and will feature a mock crime scene and a CSI contest.
"The contest will run from Friday, Oct. 15 through Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 6 p.m.," Clauson explained. "Participants will be able to review the 'scene,' evidence and the police reports and then submit their conclusions. Entries will receive points for each accurate connection provided. The entry with the highest number of points will win."
Clauson said the winner will be announced on Monday, Nov. 8 and will receive a CSI prize. Interested individuals can stop by the physical sciences library to review the crime scene and pick up the contest-entry form.
The forensics speaker series schedule is listed below.
Stop Snitching! An Investigation of Factors That Impact Witness Cooperation
3:30-4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 19
Presented by Kim McClure, associate professor, psychology, Western Illinois University
Hands-On CSI DNA/Drug Screen Testing: Everyone Can Do and Interpret DNA/Drug Tests
2-5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26
Presented by Hongxia Guan, assistant professor, chemistry, and WIU forensic chemistry students
Illinois State Police Crime Scene Investigation: Learn What the Real CSIs Do and What It Takes to Become One
9-9:50 a.m. and 11-11:50 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 27
Presented by Illinois State Police Trooper and Crime Scene Investigator Jim Vail
A Walk through an Illinois State Police Forensics Lab
1-1:50 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27
Presented by Kerry Nielsen, Illinois State Police forensics laboratory
Everything You Do Can and Will be Used Against You: Conspiracy Investigations
12:30-1:45 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 2
Presented by Jill Myers, associate professor, School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration at WIU
What Is Forensic Anthropology?
9-9:50 a.m. Friday, Nov. 5, Morgan Hall, room 101A*
Presented by Patricia Anderson, associate professor, sociology and anthropology, WIU
*Note the different location
A Day in the Life of the Coroner
1-1:50 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 11
Presented by McDonough County Coroner Eric Jameson
Items for the forensics exhibit have been contributed by WIU faculty, staff and students, including Hongxia Guan (chemistry); Rose McConnell, chemistry department chair; Lisa Wen, professor, chemistry; Jack Huang, professor, chemistry; Office of Public Safety Capt. Chris Jagielo; Patrician Anderson (sociology and anthropology); the WIU Department of Sociology and Anthropology; Kim McClure (psychology); Katelyn Stewart and Seth Lamb, chemistry graduate students; Mercedes Taylor, undergraduate student studying forensic hemistry/anthropology; Kishor Kapale, assistant professor, physics; Mark Boley, WIU physics department chair; and Jim Rabchuk, professor, physics.
Consultants for the mock crime scene/case details include Elsa Vazquez-Melendez, assistant professor of combined medicine-pediatrics at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria and Saint Francis Medical Center, Peoria; Detective William Gass, Macomb Police Dept.; Hongxia Guan; and McDonough County Coroner Eric Jameson. The physical sciences library (PSL) crime scene team includes Sara Vazquez-Melendez, WIU student (sociology/anthropology); Brianna Norris WIU student (chemistry); Clauson (unit coordinator of the physical sciences library branch, WIU Libraries); and Mercedes Taylor, WIU student (forensic chemistry and anthropology).
The 2010 Forensics Exhibit and Speaker Series is open free to the public. The physical sciences library branch of WIU Libraries is open 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday. For more information, contact Clauson at (309) 298-1407 or via email at Visit WIU Libraries online at
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