University News
Mors Named Director of WIU School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration
March 18, 2011

MACOMB, IL -- Terry Mors has been named director of Western Illinois University's School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (LEJA). Mors, who has been serving as interim director since July 1, 2010, has 10 years of full-time contributions in higher education at WIU. In addition, he has more than 17 years of law enforcement and private security experience, working for the Gurnee (IL) Police Department in various positions, including as a patrol officer and a commander.
"Dr. Mors distinguished himself as an outstanding candidate among a very talented group of finalists," said College of Education and Human Services Dean Nick DiGrino. "As interim director, his performance was outstanding. The School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration has a tradition of excellence, and Dr. Mors will, no doubt, build on that tradition and lead the School in service to its many constituents," he added.
Mors earned his doctorate in education from Northern Illinois University in 2002. He holds a master's degree in law enforcement and justice administration from Western and a bachelor's degree from Roosevelt University. He has served the School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration at WIU in a variety of capacities, including as coordinator of the graduate program. In recent years, he has also served as a member of the School of the LEJA's curriculum committee, graduate committee, the professional advisory board and the Investigators Club, as well as served as a member of the Institute of Applied Criminal Justice, the COEHS technology committee and as a Concert Safety Corps adviser.
In 2006, along with five of his School of LEJA faculty colleagues, Mors received the COEHS Excellence in Internationalizing the Campus Award for establishing an academic relationship with St. Petersburg University in Russia. In 2005, he was also the recipient of the COEHS Award for Outstanding Service.
In addition to his instruction and service activities as Western, Mors has published in leading journals and presented papers on a variety of law enforcement topics at various national and international meetings and conferences. His many professional leadership involvements included the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS), the Central Illinois Association of Law Enforcement Executives and the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police.
For more information, contact Dana Moon, director of marketing and community relations for Western's COEHS, at (309) 298-1690 or
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