University News
DFL: March 31
March 28, 2011

J.Q. Adams, educational psychology professor in Western Illinois University's department of educational and interdisciplinary studies (EIS), will present the University's 2011 Distinguished Faculty Lecture on the U.S. Census and American identity Thursday, March 31.
Adams will deliver the lecture, "The U.S. Census: How Its Racial Categories Have Shaped American Identity," at 7 p.m. in the College of Fine Arts and Communication Recital Hall, located in Simpkins Hall, on the WIU-Macomb campus. He will address the WIU-Quad Cities campus at 3 p.m. Thursday, April 7 in Room 102.
"I will examine the historical context of the U.S. Census and the role its racial categories have played in shaping the way Americans think of themselves. From the first census in 1790 to the most recent census in 2010, the repetition of some identity categories and the temporary inclusion of new ones reflect uncertainty about who is to be considered white, non-white or something in between," Adams explained.
Through his presentation, Adams will also consider the work of the early census architects, the secretaries of state, whose role was to insure the accuracy of the census as well as its completion.
The lecture is open free to the public.
Posted By: Darcie Shinberger (
Office of University Communications & Marketing
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